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Unable to withdraw

Omega Pro

Omega Pro

They won't let me withdraw my money from Omega pro-broker
Unable to withdraw They won't let me withdraw my money from Omega pro-broker

In 2021, I met a man named GUSTAVO ARBOLEDA MIÑOS. He claimed to belong to Omega pro, indicating that that company was legal and it was regulated by all entities, that it was also a bank that was in DUBAI. I believed in this person and a relative who took me to see this, supposedly something magnificent to double my life savings, in total I lost $7,200 USD, which is not easy to get at all, especially here in Colombia, now they only say that you have to pay some lawyers to give us a part back and even then they don't give us any guarantee that it will be returned, they deceived me and harmed me to the point that I am sicker than ever due to all the stress I go through every day, I have 2 children who since Last year. I couldn't give them anything for Christmas, nothing for a Christmas dinner. Please help me.

2023-11-09 11:44 Colombia Colombia
2023-11-09 11:44 Colombia Colombia




Delete our account maliciously
Others Delete our account maliciously

Several of our colleagues used their mobile phones to place orders for several months. Recently, when we made money, the platform directly deleted our accounts and did not refund the principal.

2023-11-09 10:33 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-09 10:33 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




Boost fees
Others Boost fees

Beware of fees. Don’t make sense to send them money for fees when they should deduct fees from account.

2023-11-09 08:56 United States United States
2023-11-09 08:56 United States United States




Rats declared
Scam Rats declared

Apologies for the title but seeing so much theft by these scoundrels which already makes people tired of making an extra income. Someone is doing well but they induce me to lose everything. When that is over, they let me put in more money and induce me to keep losing. They call me and say that it is about to go up we have to buy it. I listened and did it and then I lost again. They wanted me to put in more to continue trading. On Friday, they already left me zero, even stopped calling. They stole 10300 that I didn't touch. Refinancing cost me 18,000 dollars and until today I still pay for these and no one puts them in prison. There are all the charges that little by little screwed up my batteries with those. Don't let more people be robbed.

2023-11-09 06:06 Ecuador Ecuador
2023-11-09 06:06 Ecuador Ecuador




Server Under Maintenance.?????
Others Server Under Maintenance.?????

Aximtrade bankrupt or what.? can't do anything...

2023-11-08 22:43 Malaysia Malaysia
2023-11-08 22:43 Malaysia Malaysia

Unable to withdraw

Broker Group

Broker Group

I have 2 accounts and I can't withdraw
Unable to withdraw I have 2 accounts and I can't withdraw

They were in omegapro and they passed it to this broker so it seems they are scammers

2023-11-08 21:05 Argentina Argentina
2023-11-08 21:05 Argentina Argentina


Chancellor Precious Metals

Chancellor Precious Metals

Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers, misappropriated customer funds, and failed to withdraw.
Scam Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers, misappropriated customer funds, and failed to withdraw.

Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers and misappropriated customer funds without withdrawing. They modify the background data, close the settlement channel, harm investors, and refuse to pay out money. The current address is the entrance to the official website of Chancellor Precious Metals. On March 15, MSR changed the deposit address. I went to MSR to find a theory. MSR kept delaying, saying that their executives had been arrested. So can you embezzle client funds? On September 18, MSR shut down the network and ran away, always saying that it would negotiate to withdraw. It’s a scam platform, everyone, keep your eyes peeled. Not allowing withdrawals, they are extremely shameless.

2023-11-08 19:04 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-08 19:04 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw Primus

This institution does not withdraw my money and is fraudulent.

2023-11-08 17:40 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-08 17:40 Turkey Turkey




malicious loss
Others malicious loss

I saw all the trading platform losses today

2023-11-08 07:15 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
2023-11-08 07:15 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Unable to withdraw

Omega Pro

Omega Pro

They scammed me out of $7200 USD
Unable to withdraw They scammed me out of $7200 USD

In 2021, I met a man named GUSTAVO ARBOLEDA MIÑOS, he claimed to belong to Omega pro, indicating that that company was Legal, that it was regulated by all entities, that it was also a bank that was in DUBAI, I believed in this person and a relative who took me to see this, supposedly something magnificent to double my life savings, in total I lost $7,200 USD, which is not easy to get at all, especially here in Colombia, now they only say that you have to pay some lawyers to give us back a part and even so they do not guarantee that it will be returned, they deceived me and harmed me to the point that I am sicker than ever due to all the stress I go through every day, I have 2 children who since Last year I couldn't give them anything for Christmas, nothing for a Christmas dinner.

2023-11-08 04:11 Colombia Colombia
2023-11-08 04:11 Colombia Colombia




Scammer Broker
Scam Scammer Broker

Scammer Broker, I was trading with Proffito till FEB 2023 when I wanted to withdraw my money and even now after 9 months they are refusing to accept my withdrawal for my depositDo not ever deposit with Proffito because they are acting like scammers

2023-11-08 03:31 Romania Romania
2023-11-08 03:31 Romania Romania




Fraudulent to let users pay money, destroy accounts
Others Fraudulent to let users pay money, destroy accounts

My husband was lured by the broker staff to pay money. At first, he was instructed to play, invest some money. Some will lose, some will win. When he was tempted to pay again, he didn't pay. She ignored him. To save his account that was losing money, my family tried to save only a few hundred, then the broker used the excuse of withdrawing the initial investment saying the account was not strong enough. Then they locked my husband's account without prior notice. My husband contacted support but he said he didn't know anything. I know it's impossible to get it back, but I hope everyone knows and avoids this scammer.

2023-11-08 01:20 Vietnam Vietnam
2023-11-08 01:20 Vietnam Vietnam

Unable to withdraw

VLC Trade

VLC Trade

Unable to withdraw VLC

I met a netizen on Ig who introduced me to invest in mt5’s COMEX. He asked me to download Binance. After making the deposit, he told me to tell VLC customer service that the deposit should be transferred to mt5, and that the first or two withdrawals were successful. Later, he said that the market was very good and suggested that I deposit more money. I invested a total of 600,000. Later, he said that there was a position building activity for me to participate in. If I upgraded to platinum, he would increase my gold and give me a 20% bonus every day. But I waited foolishly. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You need to deposit 18,888 US dollars after promotion, otherwise your account will be frozen. Before completing the deposit activity, he will send innocent letters. If he goes to Taiwan, he will be legally responsible. Now I can’t get the money.

2023-11-08 00:18  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-08 00:18  Taiwan Taiwan




Scam by boker Thiaho Rodriguez
Others Scam by boker Thiaho Rodriguez

This broker scammed me of more than 16 thousand dollars. Every week he gave me more money to release my profits supposedly of 67 thousand dollars. I don't want anyone else to fall into his trap Please help me. If you know about him, please contact me. I send you photos and my supposed earnings that I was never able to withdraw because every day he asks me for more money to release them.

2023-11-07 20:17 Ecuador Ecuador
2023-11-07 20:17 Ecuador Ecuador




Malicious loss
Others Malicious loss

In the first half month, there was no profit or principal can be withdrawn. Malicious loss today? I invested $17,000 in it.

2023-11-07 20:06 Malaysia Malaysia
2023-11-07 20:06 Malaysia Malaysia




The platform is associated with the platform ArgoFX
Others The platform is associated with the platform ArgoFX

TiggerWit has suspended its business and has been claiming that it has been attacked by hackers, causing the platform to be transferred to ArgoFX, and original users need to migrate to the new system. However, after the system transfer, you need to recharge before you can withdraw money, and you have to withdraw money in batches. In addition, there is no clear explanation for the customer losses caused by the system crash, and the customer service WeChat has logged out. The new system ArgoFX is the same platform as the old system, and they just changed their names to continue to deceive people. In this incident, as far as I know, my friend lost nearly 3 million. If the police station doesn't register a case, I will expose it through the media. All investment friends, please stay away. Currently, ArgoFX has many problems such as lagging, slippage, abnormal price, lack of platform experience, and the possibility to run away at any time.

2023-11-07 14:40 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-07 14:40 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Unable to withdraw



Starting from October 26th, I wanted to withdraw money but was rejected. They said they were giving bonuses because they were doing activities. Then last week, I failed to withdraw my profits. Customer service didn't reply.
Unable to withdraw Starting from October 26th, I wanted to withdraw money but was rejected. They said they were giving bonuses because they were doing activities. Then last week, I failed to withdraw my profits. Customer service didn't reply.

Starting from October 26th, I wanted to withdraw money but was rejected. They said they were giving bonuses because they were doing activities. Then last week, I failed to withdraw my profits. Customer service on live chat said there was a problem with the server, and they all gave a lot of excuses.

2023-11-07 14:26 Malaysia Malaysia
2023-11-07 14:26 Malaysia Malaysia

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw I CANNOT WITHDRAW 1500 DOLLARS


2023-11-07 12:18 Peru Peru
2023-11-07 12:18 Peru Peru


Loyal Primus

Loyal Primus

Candlestick of Loyal Primus is different from the others
Others Candlestick of Loyal Primus is different from the others

Primus loyal broker cheated at 04.00 on 07.09.2023 candle was different from the others because he wanted to touch my SL.

2023-11-07 05:36 Indonesia Indonesia
2023-11-07 05:36 Indonesia Indonesia

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw Fraud

Does not allow you to withdraw. Induced fraud.

2023-11-07 05:15 Argentina Argentina
2023-11-07 05:15 Argentina Argentina


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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