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WikiFX is a leading global third-party forex industry information service platform. Leveraging extensive data accumulation and advanced financial technology, WikiFX has provided comprehensive forex broker information verification services to over 21 million users in more than 180 countries and regions. From regulatory status, licensing qualifications, risk information, credit evaluation, on-site inspections, and other dimensions, WikiFX offers investors a comprehensive reference to help them effectively mitigate risks.

WikiFX rating system, which uses advanced algorithms and intuitive formats to comprehensively display broker qualifications, user reputation, and industry influence, reducing decision-making costs for investors.

With over a decade of industry experience, WikiFX has the world's largest database of forex brokers, currently containing public information on over 49,000 forex brokers. Headquartered in Singapore, WikiFX has established branch offices in 14 countries, including Japan, Australia, Dubai, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cyprus, Nigeria, and Egypt, offering more convenient and reliable forex industry information services in over 16 languages to users around the world. It is dedicated to making forex investment simpler and safer.

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51562 brokers enlisted.,Collaborating with 60 regulators

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