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2023-11-07 20:17 Released in Ecuador Ecuador

Scam by boker Thiaho Rodriguez

This broker scammed me of more than 16 thousand dollars. Every week he gave me more money to release my profits supposedly of 67 thousand dollars. I don't want anyone else to fall into his trap Please help me. If you know about him, please contact me. I send you photos and my supposed earnings that I was never able to withdraw because every day he asks me for more money to release them.


The following is the original recommendation

Estafa por el boker Thiaho Rodriguez trader

Este broker me estafó más de 16 mil dolares,todas las semanas me pude más dinero para liberar mis ganancias supuestamente de 67 mil dólares, no quiero que nadie más caiga en su trampa si alguien me puede ayudar si lo conoce o sabe de el por favor me contacte. Les envío fotos y mis supuestas ganancias que nunca pude retirar pues cada día me pide más dinero para liberarlos

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