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2023-11-08 00:18 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan


I met a netizen on Ig who introduced me to invest in mt5’s COMEX. He asked me to download Binance. After making the deposit, he told me to tell VLC customer service that the deposit should be transferred to mt5, and that the first or two withdrawals were successful. Later, he said that the market was very good and suggested that I deposit more money. I invested a total of 600,000. Later, he said that there was a position building activity for me to participate in. If I upgraded to platinum, he would increase my gold and give me a 20% bonus every day. But I waited foolishly. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You need to deposit 18,888 US dollars after promotion, otherwise your account will be frozen. Before completing the deposit activity, he will send innocent letters. If he goes to Taiwan, he will be legally responsible. Now I can’t get the money.

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