Global Broker governance & inquiry App








Broker comparison
Compare Forex Brokers 2022, who is the right broker for your trading needs? Compare trading platforms, regulations, features, pros & cons, brokers' ratings and more.
Pivot Point Calculator
This pivot point calculator generates pivot points for 4 different systems in seconds! It helps you to calculate various pivot points and support/resistance levels.
Pip Value Calculator
Use this forex tool to calculate when you trade multiple currency pairs. It helps you to calculate the value of pips in different currency pairs of non-standard account currencies.
Fibonacci Calculator
Fibonacci Calculator helps you to calculate 4 basic Fibonacci retracement values and the retracement level of a completed trend. It will improve your Forex trading experience and allows you to participate in the Forex market in full time.
Position Size Calculator
It can help you to calculate the optimal position size based on your stop loss, risk tolerance and account funds. It applies to all major currency pairs and cross pairs.
Risk and return calculator
A risk-reward calculator that calculates the optimal targets and respective risk-reward ratios for positions based on Fibonacci retracements of local peaks and bottoms.
Liquidation risk calculator
Risk of Ruin Calculator: Accurately calculate the probability of reaching maximal drawdown based on the risk per trade and win rate percentage.
Forex profit calculator
Using the Forex Profit Calculator, you can view potential trading profits and losses based on lot size, account currency, etc.

More forex tools coming soon

Broker comparison
Pivot Point Calculator
Pip Value Calculator
Fibonacci Calculator
Position Size Calculator
Risk and return calculator
Liquidation risk calculator
Forex profit calculator
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