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fund recovery
Scam fund recovery

please stay off ,the proequity market platform is a scam After trading and making profit they blocked me.

2023-11-19 22:27 Nigeria Nigeria
2023-11-19 22:27 Nigeria Nigeria




Be cautious of brokers masquerading as traders engaging in gambling activities, manipulating the system
Scam Be cautious of brokers masquerading as traders engaging in gambling activities, manipulating the system

They manipulated me into executing simultaneous buy and sell actions in binary options, resulting in losses from both. These dishonest brokers, disguised as traders, manipulate the prices.

2023-11-28 02:02 Indonesia Indonesia
2023-11-28 02:02 Indonesia Indonesia


FEX Global

FEX Global

Fraud arises
Scam Fraud arises

Forced to pay 10% tax, 181 000 000 million, 10% tax deposited in many different bank accounts

2023-11-27 14:35 Vietnam Vietnam
2023-11-27 14:35 Vietnam Vietnam


Elland Road

Elland Road

After adding funds and opening an account, trading cannot be made.
Scam After adding funds and opening an account, trading cannot be made.

Because I trusted the company's website and the recommended staff, I trusted them and agreed to deposit money to open the account. But when opening an account, it cannot be traded and the demo account cannot be used. So I decided to withdraw the money I added, concluding that I would have to wait 3-4 business days to withdraw the money. So I feel like it shouldn't be a list to choose from when opening an account.

2023-11-25 09:25 Thailand Thailand
2023-11-25 09:25 Thailand Thailand


Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

Scam Scam

Good afternoon, I also fell for this scam they are giving on Instagram, I deposited several amounts, and I can't withdraw my money and I'm at a huge loss, I want my money back!!!! Can anyone help me with this issue?

2023-11-24 00:17 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-24 00:17 Brazil Brazil




Basically the same as heying's operation, it should be the same fraud groups
Scam Basically the same as heying's operation, it should be the same fraud groups

I saw that some Hong Kong compatriots were also deceived, so I hope it can serve as a warning to everyone. If anyone knows any new information, please let me know. Thank you very much!

2023-11-23 22:37 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-23 22:37 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

I can't remove my assets
Scam I can't remove my assets

Ferreira: After checking the system, you have completed all orders and there are no prepaid orders. The withdrawal code is: PUID01/129 Now log in to the task platform, log in, and respond [OK] Ferreira: Task: 1 Now turn on your system and follow these steps: Step 1: Click on BTC/USDT Step 2: Click on Buy Up. Step 3: Click on (180S) and enter the amount: 277 Step 4: Click to confirm the order Follow the steps above and when finished respond: Done, tell me your balance Lucas Honorato: 360 Ferreira: Wait a moment, we are asking about the merchant's next order. Lucas Honorato: Ok Ferreira: The three options correspond to different profits. Make payment after the selection is complete and I will guide you. Give me a receipt after payment Lucas Honorato: OK Ferreira: tell me when you can pay

2023-11-22 06:05 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-22 06:05 Brazil Brazil




no deposit bonus
Scam no deposit bonus

Super forex are scammers, they reset my account to zero, sending me an email which told me that my account was in stop out, I cannot find the order in stop out and I am asked to deposit to have a bonuses

2023-11-20 23:52 Morocco Morocco
2023-11-20 23:52 Morocco Morocco




BIBFX black platform
Scam BIBFX black platform

Slippage is serious. When the market fluctuates, deposit channels are closed and orders are liquidated in unreasonable ways. The actual orders have not flowed into the international market. They are funds manipulated internally. The current website address has been changed from to

2023-11-20 21:28 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-20 21:28 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




Savings Feedback Campaign
Scam Savings Feedback Campaign

Participate in the SoonTrade5 APP, Shinding exchange, and savings feedback activities. Just ask if there are still places and how to participate, and the customer service will directly add the account to this activity. If the savings does not reach a certain amount, you cannot withdraw the money. The current customer service cannot be contacted and cannot withdraw.

2023-11-20 00:47  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-20 00:47  Taiwan Taiwan


Go Markets

Go Markets

Scammed out of love and almost out of money
Resolved Scammed out of love and almost out of money

We met on Ig and became lovers in a short time. He said he could make a lot of money by trading XAU/USD and wanted me to make money together for "our" future. He was very smart. He first used the okx software to add funds, and then asked me to use the "" website to transfer the money from okx to this webpage. So I transferred the money here. This boy used this webpage to help me hype up. The next day he asked me to withdraw money again in order to gain my credit. This time, the cash was successful. However, I saw many people on the Internet saying that this webpage is a scam group. The boy will show you his ID card (should be a fake ID card) at the beginning. His name is Zhou Wenjie, from Hong Kong, but when he logged in with my okx, the email sent by him showed the IP address of Myanmar.

2023-11-19 19:54  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-19 19:54  Taiwan Taiwan




Pursuing responsibility for fraud and misappropriation of property
Scam Pursuing responsibility for fraud and misappropriation of property

Pursuing responsibility for fraud and misappropriation of property

2023-11-19 14:19 Vietnam Vietnam
2023-11-19 14:19 Vietnam Vietnam




David Merino
Scam David Merino

This thief does not pay, he has more than 6,000 lawsuits against him and he does not pay anything, he just drags his feet. There is evidence of everything that was stolen with 5,000 million.

2023-11-19 10:34 Ecuador Ecuador
2023-11-19 10:34 Ecuador Ecuador


Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

Investment scam
Scam Investment scam

The company got in touch to do tasks and then pay some small amounts, they sent a Telegran VIP group there always with a proposal to fulfill 4 investments and when the fourth was completed you would withdraw the money, I did everything correctly and each time I asked for more amounts. They still continued saying pay more to be able to withdraw my money saying it is verification.

2023-11-19 07:39 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-19 07:39 Brazil Brazil




I was defrauded on the ST5 application of $4000
Scam I was defrauded on the ST5 application of $4000

I was scammed by a Chinese girl into investing in the ST5 application for $4000

2023-11-19 01:22 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
2023-11-19 01:22 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia


Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab

This is the new HSBC scam Securities Investment Trust, this is called Schwab Securities Investment Trust
Scam This is the new HSBC scam Securities Investment Trust, this is called Schwab Securities Investment Trust

This Securities Investment Trust uses exactly the same method as HSBC. It will first give you 20,000 yuan by lottery, and then tell you to invest 100,000 yuan. Foreign investors are increasing their investment by 150,000 in 3 days. Even with your principal, you have 270,000, which can keep up with the operation. The earnings from these 3 days are your own. After 3 days, you will fully invest 170,000, leaving only your principal and 3 days of operating profits. You will be allowed to withdraw a small amount at first, and then gradually no withdrawals will be allowed. Finally, they settle with you and ask you to remit half of the profit first, and then they remit the principal and profit to you. The above is this new scam method. I hope no one will be deceived like me.

2023-11-15 22:09  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-15 22:09  Taiwan Taiwan


OBV Markets

OBV Markets

Reverse transaction and freeze the account
Scam Reverse transaction and freeze the account

They insisted on opening a reverse transaction and frozen my account.

2023-11-11 02:26 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-11 02:26 Turkey Turkey




Rats declared
Scam Rats declared

Apologies for the title but seeing so much theft by these scoundrels which already makes people tired of making an extra income. Someone is doing well but they induce me to lose everything. When that is over, they let me put in more money and induce me to keep losing. They call me and say that it is about to go up we have to buy it. I listened and did it and then I lost again. They wanted me to put in more to continue trading. On Friday, they already left me zero, even stopped calling. They stole 10300 that I didn't touch. Refinancing cost me 18,000 dollars and until today I still pay for these and no one puts them in prison. There are all the charges that little by little screwed up my batteries with those. Don't let more people be robbed.

2023-11-09 06:06 Ecuador Ecuador
2023-11-09 06:06 Ecuador Ecuador


Chancellor Precious Metals

Chancellor Precious Metals

Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers, misappropriated customer funds, and failed to withdraw.
Scam Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers, misappropriated customer funds, and failed to withdraw.

Chancellor Precious Metals and MSR defrauded customers and misappropriated customer funds without withdrawing. They modify the background data, close the settlement channel, harm investors, and refuse to pay out money. The current address is the entrance to the official website of Chancellor Precious Metals. On March 15, MSR changed the deposit address. I went to MSR to find a theory. MSR kept delaying, saying that their executives had been arrested. So can you embezzle client funds? On September 18, MSR shut down the network and ran away, always saying that it would negotiate to withdraw. It’s a scam platform, everyone, keep your eyes peeled. Not allowing withdrawals, they are extremely shameless.

2023-11-08 19:04 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-08 19:04 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




Scammer Broker
Scam Scammer Broker

Scammer Broker, I was trading with Proffito till FEB 2023 when I wanted to withdraw my money and even now after 9 months they are refusing to accept my withdrawal for my depositDo not ever deposit with Proffito because they are acting like scammers

2023-11-08 03:31 Romania Romania
2023-11-08 03:31 Romania Romania


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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