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2023-11-09 06:06 Released in Ecuador Ecuador

Rats declared

Apologies for the title but seeing so much theft by these scoundrels which already makes people tired of making an extra income. Someone is doing well but they induce me to lose everything. When that is over, they let me put in more money and induce me to keep losing. They call me and say that it is about to go up we have to buy it. I listened and did it and then I lost again. They wanted me to put in more to continue trading. On Friday, they already left me zero, even stopped calling. They stole 10300 that I didn't touch. Refinancing cost me 18,000 dollars and until today I still pay for these and no one puts them in prison. There are all the charges that little by little screwed up my batteries with those. Don't let more people be robbed.


The following is the original recommendation

Ratas declaradas

Disculpas por el titulo pero viendo tanto robo por estos sinvergüenzas ya cansa civen de las personas que desean establecer un ingreso extra uno va bien pero ellos inducen a que se pierda todo y cuando ya paso eso poner mas dinero se vuelve a ganar y le inducen a seguir perdiendo le llaman y dicen que esta por subir hay que comprar se lo hace y despues pump se pierde otra vez y querian que ponga mas para seguir haciendolo como vierron que ya me dejaron cero dejaron hasta de llamar me robaron siquiera 10300 q me ñe toco refinanciar me salio 18000 dolares q hasta hora los sigo pagando por estos y nadie los mete presos ahi estan todos los cobros q de poco en poco me jodieron pilas con esos no dejen robar a mas personas

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