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Unable to withdraw



My account is lower than the balance I deposited a
Unable to withdraw My account is lower than the balance I deposited a

I have made a deposit to fx primus company 2 times And although my account is below the amount I deposited, it does not send my money, I have been scammed very badly, I cannot withdraw my money, The company has cut off communication with me And is not responding, This is a big fraud case, I hear that many investors in Turkey have been scammed by the same method.

2023-11-25 05:35 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-25 05:35 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw



primus markets
Unable to withdraw primus markets

I cannot get my money in this institution. I expect you to intervene in this. I have full faith that this fraud disturbs you as well.

2023-11-24 15:06 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-24 15:06 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw



unable to take a break
Unable to withdraw unable to take a break

With this platform, money withdrawals are not available. My money was stuck; I requested a withdrawal, which was fulfilled, but it was never credited into my other account.

2023-11-15 08:41 United States United States
2023-11-15 08:41 United States United States

Unable to withdraw

Omega Pro

Omega Pro

withdraw No
Unable to withdraw withdraw No

They made it so hard to withdraw l tried withdrawing and they block my account they stole my $401

2023-11-15 08:39 United States United States
2023-11-15 08:39 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



GTM they have cheated us a lot ATM people fraud
Unable to withdraw GTM they have cheated us a lot ATM people fraud

GTM Today he committed a huge fraud in IPL Pakistan. Today no one was given withdrawal and it got shut down. it's very much with us evil kindness take notice of this and our

2023-11-15 02:38 Pakistan Pakistan
2023-11-15 02:38 Pakistan Pakistan

Unable to withdraw



Finassettrack had a great imput
Unable to withdraw Finassettrack had a great imput

Even though I have paid all of the withdrawal fees they asked for, my money is still with them. After a period of inactivity, they gave me a message informing me that I would need to wait for an announcement from them.

2023-11-13 20:21 United States United States
2023-11-13 20:21 United States United States

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdrawal.
Unable to withdraw Unable to withdrawal.

I paid $436,650 to operate the platform, and I have $740,000 in my account.If I request a withdrawal of $400,000 of that amount, I will be charged an additional $62,000 in taxes and operating fees, and if I pay that, I can withdraw the money within 48 hours. I paid when I was told that I could, but I can't withdraw money. When I inquired, I was told that I would not be able to withdraw money immediately unless I paid an additional $220,000. Even if I keep my promise, they still charge me more and won't pay.

2023-11-28 10:03 Japan Japan
2023-11-28 10:03 Japan Japan

Unable to withdraw



They scammed me out of 700 dollars
Unable to withdraw They scammed me out of 700 dollars

They told me to deposit more to invest in Amazon and withdraw the profits . They allowed me to withdraw the profits but I had to deposit 4000.

2023-11-28 08:40 Ecuador Ecuador
2023-11-28 08:40 Ecuador Ecuador

Unable to withdraw

Omega Pro

Omega Pro

Recover capital
Unable to withdraw Recover capital

I invested in omega pro and then they transferred me to Broker Group where I cannot withdraw my investment either. I would like your help please.

2023-11-27 22:41 Peru Peru
2023-11-27 22:41 Peru Peru

Unable to withdraw

Bitcore Pro

Bitcore Pro

It's too much. Freeze my account. I just want a small income. I only care about cancer. What kind of government? Fraud will never be found. Please also pay attention to this man and ask for cooperation.
Unable to withdraw It's too much. Freeze my account. I just want a small income. I only care about cancer. What kind of government? Fraud will never be found. Please also pay attention to this man and ask for cooperation.

It's too much. Freeze my account. I just want a small income. I only care about cancer. What kind of government? Fraud will never be found. Please also pay attention to this man and ask for cooperation.

2023-11-27 14:05  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-27 14:05  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



They won't let me withdraw my money
Unable to withdraw They won't let me withdraw my money

I invested 15 thousand dollars they always said that when I needed it I could withdraw it and now my advisors Lisa Rodrigyez and Caesar no longer answer my calls, messages or emails Marisol Nieves contacted me and said that I must deposit 8 thousand more dollars to be able to withdraw I am desperate because I need my money since September 25, they are denying it to me.

2023-11-27 12:22 Mexico Mexico
2023-11-27 12:22 Mexico Mexico

Unable to withdraw



Al-Sanafin Al-Qibliya, Minya Al-Qamh Center, Sharkia Governorate.
Unable to withdraw Al-Sanafin Al-Qibliya, Minya Al-Qamh Center, Sharkia Governorate.

The withdrawal was not completed. This process has been on hold for 4 days, and I need to withdraw this money as soon as possible.

2023-11-27 05:11 Egypt Egypt
2023-11-27 05:11 Egypt Egypt

Unable to withdraw

FEX Global

FEX Global

Can't withdraw money but add deposit
Unable to withdraw Can't withdraw money but add deposit

Why did this pile arise?

2023-11-26 05:30 Malaysia Malaysia
2023-11-26 05:30 Malaysia Malaysia

Unable to withdraw



Fraudulent institution
Unable to withdraw Fraudulent institution

This institution is not paying the money I invested, it is making me a victim. It has been a month and still no solution has been found and it does not provide any response, I need you to help me.

2023-11-25 20:10 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-25 20:10 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw cheat

This company does not pay my money, it says that it cannot pay for ridiculous reasons, it has been 2 months and it has confiscated my money and now there is no response.

2023-11-25 19:32 Turkey Turkey
2023-11-25 19:32 Turkey Turkey

Unable to withdraw

They won't let me withdraw
Unable to withdraw They won't let me withdraw blocked my withdrawal and asked for verification of my bank account, so I sent all the receipts and the bank statement to which I made a deposit with the broker itself, then they approved it, but again they prevented me from withdrawing, asking me for proof of my credit card, but unfortunately I never made a deposit via card at the brokerage, so I have no way of sending this proof, and my account remains blocked for withdrawal, uses the outsourced bank account of the company localpay do Brasil servicing of payments Ltda.

2023-11-25 04:37 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-25 04:37 Brazil Brazil

Unable to withdraw




Good afternoon, my name is Karen Herrera from Colombia. In December 2020, I was contacted by a co-worker who said he was a leader of the Omega Pro Company and that it was a regulated company, in which they showed me documents, to have greater reliability when entering the company. Since I didn't know anything about Internet businesses, I let myself be convinced and I invested in dollars through him and everything was on a platform to supposedly invest and trade. In 2023 in January they reported an alleged attack by Jakers and that is why they negotiated with a company called Broker Group and transferred the funds to it. Since that time they have placed extensions that we will already return the investment or that everything is fine and that is how they have kept us To distract us, I tried to do the withdrawal process from several accounts but in the month of March 2023, they denied them and let us forget that we were scammed. Please, I prefer that they return my initial investment, that they do everything humanly possible to make them respond. Thank you.

2023-11-25 03:45 Colombia Colombia
2023-11-25 03:45 Colombia Colombia

Unable to withdraw



Omegapro does not give me my money.
Unable to withdraw Omegapro does not give me my money.

I have investments in Omegapro and now they do not respond to my request to withdraw my investments. I invested it 2 years ago and at the beginning, everything was going well, but now they have disappeared and do not say anything about the investments. Many of us put our money in Omegapro. I want you to help me do something to recover my money and also help many people who are in the same situation as me.

2023-11-24 07:50 Nicaragua Nicaragua
2023-11-24 07:50 Nicaragua Nicaragua

Unable to withdraw



I have 2 Accounts and I can't withdraw it
Unable to withdraw I have 2 Accounts and I can't withdraw it

I invested all my savings that I had and put it in Omega Pro and now it's been a year since I can't withdraw my money and I'm going through hard times. Please, I need you to help me withdraw my money. One for 10,000 dollars and another for 5,000 dollars.

2023-11-23 23:35 Guatemala Guatemala
2023-11-23 23:35 Guatemala Guatemala

Unable to withdraw

Stargaze Capital

Stargaze Capital

I cannot withdraw money, and receive abusive calls and persistent phone calls.
Unable to withdraw I cannot withdraw money, and receive abusive calls and persistent phone calls.

I was able to withdraw the first $250, but the next $585 was declined. It has remained on hold since then. I often receive calls from a 050 phone number (different each time). They ask me to pay 25% UK tax on my account every time. When I say that I can't pay, my words fall apart. I can't bear to hear things like "Please kill yourself" so I hang up. After that, it will call several times, but if you ignore it, it will call again a few days later. Recently, I have been receiving calls without notification.

2023-11-23 22:19 Japan Japan
2023-11-23 22:19 Japan Japan


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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