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Unable to withdraw



It's a Ponzi scheme. The account is deleted, you can't log in, and you can't withdraw money. There was 90,000 in the account, but not a cent was given. After the account was deleted, the customer service did not reply.
Unable to withdraw It's a Ponzi scheme. The account is deleted, you can't log in, and you can't withdraw money. There was 90,000 in the account, but not a cent was given. After the account was deleted, the customer service did not reply.

I have been using it for several years, but I have never had much money. This time, when I have more money, they started to mess with me. After deleting the account, the customer service immediately blocked me!

2023-11-17 19:57 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-17 19:57 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




Deposit not received
Resolved Deposit not received

The deposit has not been received and the amount is not large, but the customer service is indifferent and has not responded.

2023-11-17 09:25  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-17 09:25  Taiwan Taiwan




If the liquidation ratio is not reached, liquidation will be carried out privately, and different accounts will be liquidated selectively.
Others If the liquidation ratio is not reached, liquidation will be carried out privately, and different accounts will be liquidated selectively.

They did not reach the liquidation line and forced liquidation privately. Moreover, they did not prioritize those with large losses but selectively liquidated them.

2023-11-17 03:35 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-17 03:35 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




In-app bots misleading
Others In-app bots misleading

Using only 0.2 lots of silver, I lost more than 600 US dollars in half a day and was forced to close the position. The strategy provided by the program can easily mislead the user. Originally it said it would rise, but the next second you believed it, the K-line went straight down. After a break, After a while, he will write about the downward trend, and then force you to close your position. This is often the case, and then he will tell you that investment is risky. Although some are for reference only, they are so inaccurate and more like malicious guidance.

2023-11-16 23:02  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-16 23:02  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw funds
Unable to withdraw Unable to withdraw funds

From the moment profits are made, withdrawals are restricted for various reasons. Initially, the company was required to pay personal income tax on the grounds that profits were too high. Then they said my transaction was suspected of money laundering, froze the account, and demanded money to unfreeze the account. If the amount is too high when withdrawing, the time will be extended to November 20, 2023. After that, the platform could not be opened. When I contacted customer service, they were told that the account had been automatically cleared by the system due to inactivity for a long time. This platform is a black platform, and now even the customer service cannot be contacted.

2023-11-16 20:50 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-16 20:50 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


ACY Securities

ACY Securities

Gains are discounted by 30%, losses are 100%
Others Gains are discounted by 30%, losses are 100%

I have been doing this for 5 years. I used to believe in this platform, but now I believe in it again. I finally know why I lost hundreds of thousands and came here. I will give you a 30% discount on the profit and 100% of the loss. Or it's stuck, and the customer service said it's my problem. I've had three different managers, and you've only been working for a few days. I've been playing for five years, and you're still talking about it? I advise everyone not to be fooled and report it with your real name.

2023-11-16 19:43 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-16 19:43 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Unable to withdraw



Unable to withdraw funds
Unable to withdraw Unable to withdraw funds

It’s difficult to withdraw money. I make a profit and want to withdraw but it hasn’t arrived for several days. There is no customer service.

2023-11-16 09:18 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2023-11-16 09:18 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Unable to withdraw



Pretend to make friends on IG, CBEX USDT is a real scam. I joined as a member, but when the deposit did not reach 58888USDT, and the withdrawal was frozen.
Unable to withdraw Pretend to make friends on IG, CBEX USDT is a real scam. I joined as a member, but when the deposit did not reach 58888USDT, and the withdrawal was frozen.

Get to know each other on IG, give care and encouragement, teach you how to invest and trade on blockchain, hope to change your living situation. Give you hope, and then squeeze out all your money! At the beginning, they teach you to read Finance, let go of your guard, use the normal way to exchange USDT through Bito, teach you to transfer the amount to the (imToken) wallet, and finally transfer it to the exchange CBEX /#/home, entices you to consult customer service to join the membership, without any explanation of the process, directly activate your account, give you 1888 USDT, you can see the bonus that you can’t touch, and ask you to deposit the membership value. You can withdraw money only when the stored value reaches 58888 USDT, otherwise withdrawals are restricted! No matter how hard you talk or plead for temporary partial withdrawal to cover daily expenses and fees, the other party is not soft-hearted at all. Currently, they say that the membership activity will end on November 18. I am afraid that the website will disappear. I sincerely ask for your help and please be careful! !

2023-11-15 23:08  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-15 23:08  Taiwan Taiwan


Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab

This is the new HSBC scam Securities Investment Trust, this is called Schwab Securities Investment Trust
Scam This is the new HSBC scam Securities Investment Trust, this is called Schwab Securities Investment Trust

This Securities Investment Trust uses exactly the same method as HSBC. It will first give you 20,000 yuan by lottery, and then tell you to invest 100,000 yuan. Foreign investors are increasing their investment by 150,000 in 3 days. Even with your principal, you have 270,000, which can keep up with the operation. The earnings from these 3 days are your own. After 3 days, you will fully invest 170,000, leaving only your principal and 3 days of operating profits. You will be allowed to withdraw a small amount at first, and then gradually no withdrawals will be allowed. Finally, they settle with you and ask you to remit half of the profit first, and then they remit the principal and profit to you. The above is this new scam method. I hope no one will be deceived like me.

2023-11-15 22:09  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-15 22:09  Taiwan Taiwan


Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

Others Scam

The company puts you in a trap saying that you will earn money by completing tasks. By mistake, they arrest the money and it stays there. I WANT MY MONEY BACK.

2023-11-15 20:17 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-15 20:17 Brazil Brazil




The winning rate is high and the pictures are all processed. I almost succeed every time.
Others The winning rate is high and the pictures are all processed. I almost succeed every time.

I got scammed a few days ago. Their betting slips have been processed. The winning rate is high every time. In the end, I almost succeeded.

2023-11-15 17:26  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-15 17:26  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw

Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

Scam, don't fall for it I want my money back
Unable to withdraw Scam, don't fall for it I want my money back

Fraud! They offer home office work to carry out tasks and with each completed task they ask me for more money and now I have nothing! The receptionist even advised me that the company took photos and films that I could participate in and raise money to be able to complete the task and get the withdrawal, which always has higher and higher values ​​and never works out by always asking for more money. I want my money back

2023-11-15 11:22 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-15 11:22 Brazil Brazil

Unable to withdraw

Omega Pro

Omega Pro


In 2021 I invested in this scam company believing in tripling the amount invested, making me earn $9,000 with my wife creating 5 accounts. Time passed and this hacking, freezing of money, and many other falsehoods came. And now I don't know how I could recover my invested money. I hope you have a solution. I would have to consider that my accounts have only one email bound with 4 accounts. And my wife has 1 account that has its email. I sent some images. 4 images are my accounts.

2023-11-15 10:57 Peru Peru
2023-11-15 10:57 Peru Peru

Unable to withdraw




Next I want to present my case, through a friend I accessed this broker to carry out market operations and well I made a first deposit of 500usd between profits and loss, to recover my friend helped me with 500usd and hey we started a market operation with 1802usd. which generated a total of initial investment plus profits of 5550.68usd, from that moment everything started when I requested to withdraw the funds I was rejected, customer service indicated that a payment of 20% tax had to be made, I paid 1,111usd I was rejected again Withdrawal he told me that I had to pay another 30% tax which I paid 1665usd again in my withdrawal attempt, I was refused, I submitted my claim to customer service and they told me that I must make a new deposit of 5,000usd to be able to withdraw and that this last tax was not It was necessary since virtual currencies are not yet regulated in my country. I requested a refund. They only reimbursed me to the CICC account but they did not allow me to make the withdrawal nor to the payment account, which would be the most logical thing. My friend tried to help me with 1000usd that I deposited into the CICC direct account making a total investment + taxes + the deposit that my friend made on account of the 5000usd, a total of 8215.95usd which they do not allow me to withdraw without first making the payment of the 5000usd (throughout the process they have requested payments and more payments, the account grew a lot and I decided not to make more payments since a lot of money was gone and this is really a scam since deposit and payment after payments will not allow me to make my withdrawal). I need help to get my money back please!!!

2023-11-15 03:52 Bolivia Bolivia
2023-11-15 03:52 Bolivia Bolivia

Unable to withdraw

 Taishin Securities

Taishin Securities

IG won't withdraw money and requires margin when winning
Unable to withdraw IG won't withdraw money and requires margin when winning

I was scammed... I was asked to be in a betting event and told to pay a verification fee when I won. I found out I was scammed after paying half of the margin. Is it difficult to get the money back? I hope you can help. I was scammed out of almost 140,000. I'm very worried. could I be so stupid

2023-11-14 19:36  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-14 19:36  Taiwan Taiwan




Resolved Fraud

The internet connection was fine, but the transaction failed. Afterward, they blamed us and asked us to trade again for the second time. We have been asked to deposit to trade. We haven't traded, only to discover that some people say they are fraud, constantly updating the site, or changing the trading platform!

2023-11-14 08:51  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-14 08:51  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw

 Taishin Securities

Taishin Securities

If you do not withdraw money when betting on events, you will need to pay a verification deposit
Unable to withdraw If you do not withdraw money when betting on events, you will need to pay a verification deposit

I'll send you all the details.

2023-11-13 22:55  Taiwan Taiwan
2023-11-13 22:55  Taiwan Taiwan


Dukascopy Bank

Dukascopy Bank

I cannot deposit.
Others I cannot deposit.

I deposited an amount and it was not approved. I waited more than a week. The support does not provide any accurate information regarding the deposit. I send proof of the deposit and the request is not approved after the amount was withdrawn to the account. Now I am trying I contacted support and got no answer

2023-11-13 15:31 Iraq Iraq
2023-11-13 15:31 Iraq Iraq




All of my accounts were wiped out in a single day, so beware them and their broker Vlado.
Others All of my accounts were wiped out in a single day, so beware them and their broker Vlado.

All of my accounts were wiped out in a single day, so beware them and their broker Vlado.

2023-11-13 14:03 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
2023-11-13 14:03 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Unable to withdraw

Halcyon Capital

Halcyon Capital

I was a victim of fraud
Unable to withdraw I was a victim of fraud

I was a victim of fraud, they asked me for money to complete tasks saying that they would give it back to me. But every time I completed a task they told me that next time they would give me back everything but that never happened. I was left at a loss, give me back what is mine.

2023-11-13 10:59 Brazil Brazil
2023-11-13 10:59 Brazil Brazil


Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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