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Indian skincare firm Mamaearth's IPO oversubscribed 7.6 times

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Indian skincare startup Mamaearths initial public offering (IPO) was ov

Industry 2023-11-02 13:18
Breaking News: IG Group is set to cut its workforce by 10% globally.

Breaking News: IG Group is set to cut its workforce by 10% globally.

Breaking News: IG Group is set to cut its workforce by 10% globally.

Industry 2023-11-02 12:39

India's Tata Motors smashes Q2 profit estimates on strong JLR sales

CompaniesJaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc Follow Tata Motors Ltd Follow BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters)

Industry 2023-11-02 10:54

Dabur India beats profit estimates on higher demand for household products

CHENNAI, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Consumer goods maker Dabur India (DABU.NS) reported second-quarter profit

Industry 2023-11-02 10:43

India's Tata Motors posts fourth consecutive quarterly profit

CompaniesJaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc Follow Tata Motors Ltd Follow BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters)

Industry 2023-11-02 10:26

Indian shares join global rally on bets of end to Fed rate hikes

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Indian shares advanced on Thursday, in tandem with global stocks, after

Industry 2023-11-02 10:09

Zurich Insurance bets on India with $487 mln stake in Kotak arm

SummaryCompaniesZurichs investment tops other global insurers in IndiaIndia general insurance premiu

Industry 2023-11-02 09:36

India's Adani Power Q2 profit soars on demand surge, tax gain

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Indian thermal power producer Adani Power (ADAN.NS) reported a near ten

Industry 2023-11-02 09:14

Indian biscuit maker Britannia rises on margins surprise

CHENNAI, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Shares in Indias Britannia Industries (BRIT.NS) climbed as much as 3.9% o

Industry 2023-11-02 08:31

India's Akzo Nobel Q2 profit rises on lower raw material costs

BANGALORE, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Akzo Nobel India (AKZO.NS) reported a 44% rise in second-quarter profit

Industry 2023-11-02 08:22

Zurich Insurance to pay $487 mln for stake in India's Kotak Mahindra Bank unit

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Zurich Insurance Group (ZURN.S) will buy a 51% stake in Indian private

Industry 2023-11-02 07:18

Indian shares gain after Fed keeps rates steady

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Indian shares advanced on Thursday after the U.S. Federal Reserves rate

Industry 2023-11-02 04:48

Rupee to inch up after "slightly dovish" Fed; US yields decline

MUMBAI, Nov 2 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee is expected to open marginally higher on Thursday on the

Industry 2023-11-02 02:54

Indian shares set to rise as Fed triggers rise in global stocks

BENGALURU, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Indian shares are set to open higher on Thursday, tracking a rise in gl

Industry 2023-11-02 02:47

Rupee Ended Flat As U.S. Dollar Demand And Central Bank Prevent Further Weakness

# trading range for the day is 83.28-83.32.# Rupee ended unchanged as buoyant U.S. dollar demand squ

Industry 2023-11-01 20:01

Indian biscuit maker Britannia misses Q2 revenue view on price cuts

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indias Britannia Industries (BRIT.NS) reported second-quarter revenue t

Industry 2023-11-01 16:27

Indian cookware maker Cello World's IPO garners strong response

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indian kitchenware products maker Cello Worlds initial public offering

Industry 2023-11-01 16:07

India's LIC Housing Finance beats Q2 profit view on loan demand

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indias LIC Housing Finance (LICH.NS) reported a second-quarter profit o

Industry 2023-11-01 15:49

India's Tata Steel reports Q2 loss on UK restructuring charges

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indian steelmaker Tata Steel (TISC.NS) reported a loss for the second q

Industry 2023-11-01 15:46

India's Hero MotoCorp Q2 profit beats expectations

CompaniesHero MotoCorp Ltd Follow Bajaj Auto Ltd Follow TVS Motor Company Ltd Follow BENGALURU, No

Industry 2023-11-01 11:35
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