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India's top drugmaker Sun Pharma beats Q2 profit view

CompaniesSun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Follow Cipla Ltd Follow Dr Reddys Laboratories Ltd Follow

Industry 2023-11-01 08:51

Fall in forward premiums adds to Indian rupee's challenges

MUMBAI, Nov 1 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee, already under pressure from high U.S. Treasury yields an

Industry 2023-11-01 08:19

India's Adani Wilmar posts second straight quarterly loss on muted oil prices

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indias Adani Wilmar (ADAW.NS) swung to a loss for a second consecutive

Industry 2023-11-01 07:39

Indian shares set to open higher; Fed decision, earnings reaction in focus

BENGALURU, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Indian shares are set to open marginally higher on Wednesday, tracking

Industry 2023-11-01 02:51

Rupee Ended Flat As Pressure From Month-End U.S. Dollar Demand

# trading range for the day is 83.26-83.36.# Rupee ended flat as pressure from month-end U.S. dollar

Industry 2023-10-31 20:27

India's SBI Card ties up with Reliance's retail arm for credit card

BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - SBI Cards and Payment Services (SBIC.NS) and the retail unit of billio

Industry 2023-10-31 14:38

India hikes windfall tax on petroleum crude to 9,800 rupees/ton

NEW DELHI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - The Indian government has increased the windfall tax on petroleum crud

Industry 2023-10-31 14:01

India markets unlikely to see large volatility due to global bond index inclusion-Das

MUMBAI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indian financial markets are unlikely to see large volatility due to the

Industry 2023-10-31 13:38

India's Amara Raja Q2 profit climbs as demand offsets higher costs

BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias Amara Raja Energy & Mobility (AMAR.NS) on Tuesday reported a ju

Industry 2023-10-31 13:03

India's Tata Consumer beats Q2 profit estimates as price hikes boost margins

CHENNAI/BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias Tata Consumer Products (TACN.NS) reported quarterly ear

Industry 2023-10-31 12:57

Manforce condoms maker Mankind Pharma posts Q2 profit rise on higher sales

BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias Mankind Pharma (MNKI.NS) posted an over 19% rise in second-quar

Industry 2023-10-31 12:44

India's Jindal Steel beats Q2 profit estimates on lower costs

Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indian steelmaker Jindal Steel and Power (JNSP.NS) reported a higher-than-expecte

Industry 2023-10-31 12:28

India's September infrastructure output up 8.1% y/y - government

NEW DELHI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias infrastructure output rose 8.1% year-on-year in September, gove

Industry 2023-10-31 11:38

India's fiscal deficit at 7.02 trln rupees in April-Sept

NEW DELHI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias fiscal deficit (INFISC=ECI) for the first six months of the fin

Industry 2023-10-31 11:05

India rupee ends flat but notches fourth monthly decline on the trot

MUMBAI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee ended unchanged on Tuesday after holding in a narrow ran

Industry 2023-10-31 10:16

India's Nifty 50, Sensex log worst month in 2023

BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indian blue-chips fell on Tuesday to log their worst month in 2023 as

Industry 2023-10-31 10:13

Indian Oil posts Q2 profit beat on higher marketing margins

CompaniesIndian Oil Corporation Ltd Follow Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Follow Chennai Petroleum

Industry 2023-10-31 10:10

India's V-Guard posts Q2 profit in line with estimates

BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indias V-Guard Industries (VGUA.NS) reported second-quarter profit on

Industry 2023-10-31 09:41

Indian Oil posts Q2 profit vs yr-ago loss on strong refining margins

CompaniesIndian Oil Corporation Ltd Follow BENGALURU, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Indian Oil Corp Ltd (IOC)

Industry 2023-10-31 08:37

Gillette India's Q1 profit rises on steady demand for grooming products

Oct 31 (Reuters) - Gillette India (GILE.NS), known for its shaving razors, posted a nearly 7% rise i

Industry 2023-10-31 08:14
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