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India cenbank's flip-flop on NDF market makes lenders wary -bankers

MUMBAI, Nov 6 (Reuters) - The Reserve Bank of Indias unpredictability on when it could restrict lend

Industry 2023-11-06 09:17

India's Byju's in talks to sell unit Epic for $400 mln to PE fund Joffre - Bloomberg News

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indian ed-tech firm Byjus is in advanced talks to sell its U.S.-based k

Industry 2023-11-06 09:11

India's Exide Industries tops Q2 profit view, says "optimistic" on demand

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indias Exide Industries (EXID.NS) on Monday reported a better-than-expe

Industry 2023-11-06 08:16

India's Zydus Wellness profit drops on one-off deferred tax expense

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indian consumer good company Zydus Wellness (ZYDS.NS) reported a more t

Industry 2023-11-06 08:02

India cenbank could raise rates if oil prices see sustained rise, Morgan Stanley says

MUMBAI, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indias central bank could restart its rate increases if Brent crude oil ri

Industry 2023-11-06 08:00

India's fuel demand rose 5.5% month-on-month in October

Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indias fuel consumption, a proxy for oil demand, rose in October by 5.5% month-on-

Industry 2023-11-06 07:58

Weak October car sales threaten inventory pile-up, warns Indian dealers' body

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indias retail vehicle sales fell 7.7% from a year earlier in October, a

Industry 2023-11-06 07:39

Philippines says Japan, S.Korea, India offer to fund railway projects

MANILA, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Japan, South Korea and India have offered to finance three Philippine rail

Industry 2023-11-06 06:05

FPI selloff in Indian shares hits nine-month high in October - NSDL data

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) sold Indian equities worth 245.48 bi

Industry 2023-11-06 05:54

Rupee rises on drop in US yields but lags rally in Asian peers

MUMBAI, Nov 6 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee strengthened on Monday after the U.S. treasury yields fel

Industry 2023-11-06 05:24

India's Cello World surges 29% on listing at $2.1 bln valuation

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Shares of Indian kitchenware products maker Cello World (CELO.NS) rose

Industry 2023-11-06 05:06

Indian shares extend gains on easing interest rate outlooks

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Indian shares rose on Monday, tracking gains in Asian peers as markets

Industry 2023-11-06 04:33

India's Cello World surges 27.9% in pre-open trading debut

BENGALURU, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Shares of Indian kitchenware products maker Cello World (CELO.NS) were

Industry 2023-11-06 04:26

India rupee to rally after data reaffirms Fed done with rate hikes

MUMBAI, Nov 6 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee is expected to rise at open on Monday after softer-than-e

Industry 2023-11-06 02:45

India's Bank of Baroda ends employment of key official after mobile app deficiencies

MUMBAI, Nov 5 (Reuters) - Indias Bank of Baroda said on Saturday it had terminated the employment of

Industry 2023-11-05 11:02

India to extend free food grains programme by five years, says Modi

MUMBAI, Nov 4 (Reuters) - India is planning to extend its free food grains programme by five years,

Industry 2023-11-04 17:59

India's Bank of Baroda terminates key official after mobile app deficiencies

MUMBAI, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Indias state-run Bank of Baroda said on Saturday it terminated the employm

Industry 2023-11-04 14:03

India's largest lender SBI's profit rises 8% in July-Sept

MUMBAI, Nov 4 (Reuters) - State Bank of India (SBI.NS), the countrys largest lender, reported an 8%

Industry 2023-11-04 10:48

India's Bank of Baroda reports 28.4% rise in Q2 net profit

MUMBAI, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Indias Bank of Baroda (BOB.NS) reported a 28.4% jump in net profit for the

Industry 2023-11-04 08:54

State Bank of India's net profit rises 8% in July-September

MUMBAI, Nov 4 (Reuters) - State Bank of India (SBI.NS), the countrys largest lender, reported an 8%

Industry 2023-11-04 08:45
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