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Rupee Dropped Slightly As Demand For The Greenback And Large Foreign Banks Weighed

# trading range for the day is 83.28-83.4.# Rupee dropped slightly as demand for the greenback from

Industry 2023-11-24 19:40

FX Daily: No Turkey for Dollar Bears

The Thanksgiving holiday means thin volumes and no US data releases today. We expect some stabilizat

Industry 2023-11-24 03:16

Rupee Ended Slightly Weaker Due to strong US Dollar Demand From Domestic Firms.

# trading range for the day is 83.2-83.32.# Rupee ended slightly weaker as buoyant U.S. dollar deman

Industry 2023-11-20 20:40

FX Daily: Consolidative Phase

The has entered a consolidative phase, but yesterdays price action gave us a glimpse of what could b

Industry 2023-11-18 01:28

Rupee Closed Lower Weighed Down By A Rise In US Treasury Yields And Dollar

# trading range for the day is 83.14-83.3.# Rupee closed lower weighed down by a recovery in U.S. Tr

Industry 2023-11-17 20:02

Results Review for KNR Constructions and Ahluwalia Contracts

KNR Constructions (NS:): KNR reported in-line revenue/EBITDA/APAT at INR 9.4/1.7/1bn, beating our es

Industry 2023-11-16 23:26
ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

ICT Market 24 impersonates IG Markets

Industry 2023-11-16 12:14

Rupee Closed Little Changed Wedged Between Weak Dollar And A Drop In Crude Prices

# trading range for the day is 83.23-83.35.# Rupee closed little changed wedged between buoyant doll

Industry 2023-11-09 20:27

Rupee remained in range as investors awaited comments from Fed this week

# trading range for the day is 83.23-83.33.# Rupee remained in range as investors awaited comments b

Industry 2023-11-08 20:01

Indian rupee to trade near record lows despite surging growth- Reuters Poll

BENGALURU, Nov 8 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee will trade near record lows against the dollar over th

Industry 2023-11-08 02:41

Frances Fiscal Consolidation is Challenged by Rigid Spending, Uncertain Reform Agenda

The French government is counting on an end to emergency support, more efficient public spending and above-potential GDP growth to reduce public debt. It is an optimistic plan given challenges ahead.

Industry 2023-11-08 02:07

Rupee Closed Stronger But Underperformed Its Asian Peers

# trading range for the day is 83.14-83.32.# Rupee closed stronger but underperformed its Asian peer

Industry 2023-11-07 20:40

India's Dilip Buildcon Q2 profit soars on steady infrastructure demand

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indias Dilip Buildcon (DIBL.NS) reported a fourfold surge in second-qua

Industry 2023-11-07 15:44

Cummins India posts 23% rise in Q2 profit on lower costs

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Diesel and natural gas engine maker Cummins India (CUMM.NS) reported a

Industry 2023-11-07 14:44

India's Apollo Tyres beats Q2 profit view on higher auto sales

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indian tyre maker Apollo Tyres Ltd. (APLO.NS) reported a better-than-ex

Industry 2023-11-07 14:24

India's Greaves Cotton posts Q2 loss on one-off charge

CompaniesGreaves Cotton Ltd Follow BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indias Greaves Cotton (GRVL.NS) on

Industry 2023-11-07 12:10

India's Shree Cement beats Q2 profit view on strong infra demand

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indias Shree Cement (SHCM.NS) reported a bigger-than-expected rise in s

Industry 2023-11-07 11:36

India's Tata-owned Trent Q2 profit surges three fold, shares hit record high

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indian retailer and hypermarket operator Trent (TREN.NS) on Tuesday rep

Industry 2023-11-07 09:41

Indian battery maker Eveready posts rise in Q2 profit on lower costs

BENGALURU, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Battery maker Eveready Industries India (ERDY.NS) on Tuesday reported a

Industry 2023-11-07 09:39

India's Zydus Q2 profit jumps on strong domestic, US demand

HYDERABAD, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Indian generic drugmaker Zydus Lifesciences Ltd (ZYDU.NS) reported a better-than-expected 53.3% jump in quarterly profit on Tuesday, led by the strong sales in the domestic market and the United States.

Industry 2023-11-07 07:47
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