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11/21 Market report

11/21 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-21 21:38
MHMarkets:Fed's Balkin stated that this is not a great time to provide forward guidance on interest rates.

MHMarkets:Fed's Balkin stated that this is not a great time to provide forward guidance on interest rates.

At the end of the Asian market on Tuesday (November 21), according to CME's "Fed Watch", the probability of the Fed maintaining interest rates unchanged in the 5.25%-5.50% range in December is 99.8%, and the probability of a 25 basis point rate cut is 0.2%.

News 2023-11-21 18:56
MHMarkets:November 21, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 21, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

The dollar index extended its downward trend on Monday, falling as low as 103.37, a near two-month low, before ending down 0.31% at 103.49. Us Treasury yields fell first and then rose. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note closed at 4.426%; The yield on the two-year Treasury note, which is more sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, rose above 4.9% before closing at 4.919%.

News 2023-11-21 18:48
Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

Weak US inflation data Market expected the Fed interest rates approaching to the peak The US dollar kept felling

Review 2023-11-21 14:03
OPEC forecast supported the oil market

OPEC forecast supported the oil market

Oil prices increased their growth on Monday evening after the publication of an updated OPEC forecast regarding the prospects for global fuel demand. The current price of Brent oil is $82.80 per barrel. Before the forecast was published, the asset was trading near $80.50.

News 2023-11-21 11:31
Gold Price Starts Correction, US CPI Next

Gold Price Starts Correction, US CPI Next

Gold prices started a downside correction from the $2,010 zone. • A major declining channel is forming with resistance near $1,945 on the 4-hour chart. • Crude oil prices are attempting a recovery wave from the $75.00 zone.

News 2023-11-21 11:30


A currency pair is a quote for two currencies that are not the same. It's the amount you'd pay for a unit of another currency in one currency. For example, if you get quoted EUR/USD 1.13, it means you can exchange 1 Euro for 1.13 US Dollars.

News 2023-11-21 11:28
What is the life of a forex trader

What is the life of a forex trader

The life of a forex trader, as exciting as it may sound, is very challenging. It can be rewarding as well as demanding, but those who are in it for the long term may make enough sacrifices to reach their goals. But what do traders do exactly, and how do they spend their time? Because trading is as much about investing time as it is about investing money, most traders who do well understand how to balance both for maximum results.

News 2023-11-21 11:24
What are Hybrid Mutual Funds?

What are Hybrid Mutual Funds?

Hybrid funds are a type of mutual fund that invests in two or more asset classes, typically including both debt and equity. The guiding principles for these funds are diversification and asset allocation to balance risk and return. There are various types of hybrid funds, depending on the allocation between asset classes and the fund's objectives.

News 2023-11-21 11:22
LTCUSD analysis for 20.11.2023

LTCUSD analysis for 20.11.2023

The LTCUSD pair signifies the value of Litecoin (LTC) in terms of US dollars. Fundamental factors influencing LTC include adoption trends, technological advancements such as the implementation of MimbleWimble for privacy and scalability, and overall market sentiment towards altcoins.

News 2023-11-21 11:08
WCG Markets:2023-11-21

WCG Markets:2023-11-21

WCG Markets:2023-11-21

Review 2023-11-21 11:07
GBPUSD bulls keep the reins ahead of a speech from BoE’s Bailey

GBPUSD bulls keep the reins ahead of a speech from BoE’s Bailey

Global markets are experiencing a diverse trading pattern at the start of the week, with major central bankers advocating for prolonged periods of higher interest rates. This development coincides with uncertain geopolitical news and a relatively uneventful economic calendar. Despite these factors, the US Dollar is struggling to gain traction, in tandem with declining US Treasury bond yields.

News 2023-11-21 11:04
China is restocking its oil reserves

China is restocking its oil reserves

The People's Republic of China has initiated the process of constructing oil inventories once more.

News 2023-11-21 11:01
A Week in the Market: Minutes and Statistics (20-25 November)

A Week in the Market: Minutes and Statistics (20-25 November)

This week's macroeconomic reports are expected to be limited, however, market participants will have the opportunity to review the most recent meeting minutes from major central banks.

News 2023-11-21 10:57
WTI holds above four-month low touched on Thursday, seems vulnerable to slide further

WTI holds above four-month low touched on Thursday, seems vulnerable to slide further

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude Oil prices oscillate in a narrow trading band during the Asian session on Friday and consolidate the overnight slump to over a four-month low. The commodity currently trades just above the $73.00/barrel mark and remains on track to register losses for the fourth straight week.

News 2023-11-21 10:50
USD/CHF consolidates near 0.8880 ahead of Swiss Industrial Production

USD/CHF consolidates near 0.8880 ahead of Swiss Industrial Production

USD/CHF hovers around 0.8880 during the Asian session on Friday. The Swiss Franc (CHF), being a safe-haven currency, is receiving upward support amid prevailing risk-off sentiment in the market. Additionally, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has expressed its determination to defend the CHF through outright market purchases, adding to the pressure on the USD/CHF pair.

News 2023-11-21 10:48
The potential for gold to reach the 2,000 – 2,020 area is very large

The potential for gold to reach the 2,000 – 2,020 area is very large

The US dollar slipped after data showed the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits hit a three-month high last week, with data showing an increase of 13,000 to 231,000 on week, well above market expectations of 220,000.

News 2023-11-21 10:43
FX Analysis – Falling Yields Pressure USD, the Key Levels to Watch

FX Analysis – Falling Yields Pressure USD, the Key Levels to Watch

Recent US figures have seen a rout in treasury yields with the flagship 10-year now yielding 4.435% after starting November at 16-year highs north of 5% and in a seemingly unstoppable uptrend. A cooler CPI and PPI showing inflation is decelerating at a faster pace than the market anticipated, along with weaker employment and industrial production figures have traders re-adjusting for a less hawkish Fed and bringing their timing forward for the pricing in of rate cuts.

News 2023-11-21 10:37
Forex and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 13 - 17, 2023

Forex and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 13 - 17, 2023

The past week witnessed few significant events, which reflected in EUR/USD pair's fluctuations around 1.0700. Notably, there was a slight increase in the Dollar Index (DXY), starting at 105.05 and reaching a peak of 105.97 by Friday, November 10. This growth was primarily attributed to the "hawkish" comments made by the Chair of the Federal Reserve.

News 2023-11-21 10:29


Shares in Hong Kong rose 488 points or 2.8% to 17,884 in early trading on Wednesday, reversing Tuesday's weak session and reflecting a rally on Wall Street overnight after weaker US CPI data fueled bets that the Federal Reserve's tightening cycle had peaked.

News 2023-11-20 18:54
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