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Cryptocurrency Swing Trading Strategies: Navigating Volatile Markets

Cryptocurrency Swing Trading Strategies: Navigating Volatile Markets

In this article, we will explore various cryptocurrency swing trading strategies to help you thrive in these tumultuous waters.

News 2023-11-23 19:23
Proven Techniques for Profitable Volume Profile Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide

Proven Techniques for Profitable Volume Profile Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore the proven technique of Volume Profile trading and how you can use it to enhance your trading profitability.

News 2023-11-23 19:20
Forex vs. Stocks: Which Market Is Right for You?

Forex vs. Stocks: Which Market Is Right for You?

In this article, we will explore the world of forex and stocks to discover the traits and help you make an informed decision.

News 2023-11-23 19:15
EBC Offcial Statement

EBC Offcial Statement

EBC Offcial Statement

News 2023-11-23 18:20
MHMarkets:Positive US economic data spurred a short-term surge in the dollar index

MHMarkets:Positive US economic data spurred a short-term surge in the dollar index

At the end of the Asian market on Thursday (November 23),Yesterday, the US released a series of economic data, data showed that the US new orders for durable goods in October was 279.4 billion dollars, up 5.4% month on month, significantly better than the market expectation of -3.2%, the number of US initial jobless claims last week was 209,000, lower than the market expectation of 225,000 and the previous week's revised 233,000, The US consumer confidence index came in at 61.3 in November, abov

News 2023-11-23 17:58
MHMarkets:November 23, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 23, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

On Wednesday, the dollar index rebounded from a 2-1/2-month low, possibly on the view that the U.S. labor market was not cooling as quickly as expected. I

News 2023-11-23 17:55
Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

Market trading is light before Thanksgiving holiday Initial application and other data support the rebound in US dollar and US bond yields

Review 2023-11-23 14:44
Why gold traders should be looking at USOIL

Why gold traders should be looking at USOIL

XAU traders have been weathering some volatility over the last few months, with dips to lows of $1,820 (USD), rebounding to new all-time highs just weeks later. Well-timed orders in the right direction surely made a few XAU traders very happy this year, but if you’re not already holding open a gold order below the 1900s, you might be limited to day trading current volatility.

News 2023-11-23 14:38
Technical Analysis & Forecast 22.11.2023

Technical Analysis & Forecast 22.11.2023

EURUSD is forming a movement to 1.0894 inside a decline wave today. Upon reaching this level, the pair could form a growth link to 1.0929. Practically, a wide consolidation range is emerging around this level. The market could try to extend the range to 1.0990. Next, the quotes might drop to its lower boundary at 1.0824. This is the first target.

News 2023-11-23 14:10
OpenAI upheaval triggers new all-time high in MSFT

OpenAI upheaval triggers new all-time high in MSFT

Investors in Microsoft were on edge this weekend as Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, was let go. Greg Brockman, another OpenAI co-founder and a key player at Open AI, opted to leave following the news.

News 2023-11-23 14:06
Ichimoku Cloud Analysis 22.11.2023 (GBPUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD)

Ichimoku Cloud Analysis 22.11.2023 (GBPUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD)

GBPUSD is correcting after setting a new local high. The instrument is going above the Ichimoku Cloud, which suggests an uptrend. A test of the Kijun-Sen line at 1.2440 is expected, followed by a rise to 1.2645. An additional signal confirming the rise will be a rebound from the lower boundary of the bullish channel. The scenario can be cancelled by a breakout of the lower boundary of the Cloud with the price finding a foothold under 1.2325, which will mean a further decline to 1.2230.

News 2023-11-23 12:14
GBP/USD slides amid US inflation concerns, mixed UK economic outlook

GBP/USD slides amid US inflation concerns, mixed UK economic outlook

The GBP/USD tumbles during the mid-North American session after economic data from the United States (US) suggested the battle against inflation is not done while the economy continues to decelerate, as sought by the US Federal Reserve (Fed). At the time of writing, the pair is trading at 1.2456, losing 0.63%.

News 2023-11-23 11:57
Bank of Canada says rates may be at peak, excess demand now gone

Bank of Canada says rates may be at peak, excess demand now gone

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem said on Wednesday that interest rates might be at their peak, given excess demand has vanished and weak growth is expected to persist for many months.

News 2023-11-23 11:54
11/23Market report

11/23Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-23 11:44
WCG Markets:2023-11-23

WCG Markets:2023-11-23

WCG Markets:2023-11-23

Review 2023-11-23 11:19
11/22 Market report

11/22 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-22 22:17
MHMarkets:The Fed hinted that policies would need to remain “restrictive” due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

MHMarkets:The Fed hinted that policies would need to remain “restrictive” due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

At the end of the Asian market on Wednesday (November 22), the latest minutes of the November Fed meeting showed that the Fed hinted that policies would need to remain "restrictive" due to concerns that inflation may stubbornly or modestly rise.

News 2023-11-22 17:58
MHMarkets:November 22, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 22, 2023--Fundamental Reminder

The dollar index pared losses on Tuesday as the Fed minutes indicated it would maintain its restrictive policy for a long time. It fell as low as 103.17,

News 2023-11-22 17:55
The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting have limited impact on precious metals, with long and short vying for the 2000 level;

Review 2023-11-22 16:14
Forex4you - Auto Withdrawal

Forex4you - Auto Withdrawal

Forex4you - Auto Withdrawal

News 2023-11-22 11:18
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