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WCG Markets:2023-11-28

WCG Markets:2023-11-28

WCG Markets:2023-11-28

Review 2023-11-28 10:49
The Week Ahead – Charts to watch EURUSD, Crude Oil, Gold

The Week Ahead – Charts to watch EURUSD, Crude Oil, Gold

Global markets enter the new week in a risk on tone with as market participants are positioning for no more rate hikes out of the Federal Reserve and pricing in cuts from Q2 2024.

News 2023-11-28 09:59
Focus on inflation and growth data, along with the RBNZ meeting

Focus on inflation and growth data, along with the RBNZ meeting

US New Home Sales are due, along with the Dallas Fed Manufacturing Index.

News 2023-11-28 09:57
EUR/JPY Price Analysis: Retreats from two-week high, back below 162.00

EUR/JPY Price Analysis: Retreats from two-week high, back below 162.00

EUR/JPY rally showed some weakness on Monday, with the pair witnessing a two-week high of 163.72, but buying pressure fades as the cross retreats below the 163.00 figure toward the 162.00 handle. At the time of writing, the EUR/JPY pair exchanges hands at 162.73, down by 0.40%.

News 2023-11-28 09:55
Cyber Monday Shopping in US May Exceed $12 Billion

Cyber Monday Shopping in US May Exceed $12 Billion

On Cyber Monday it is expected U.S. shoppers will spend up to $12.4 billion on heavily discounted clothing, electronics, toys, cosmetics, and other products. Investors say possible winners for the day include Apple, Walmart, and Amazon due to strong online traffic.

News 2023-11-28 09:54
Aggregate Inflows into Digital Asset Investment Products Last Week Worth $346M

Aggregate Inflows into Digital Asset Investment Products Last Week Worth $346M

Digital asset fund management company CoinShares published its digital asset fund flow weekly report on November 27, noting that markets’ expectation of exchange-traded funds (ETF) in the United States influenced the largest rise in inflows since late 2021.

News 2023-11-28 09:52
MHMarkets:November 27, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

MHMarkets:November 27, 2023,--Fundamental Reminder

Last Friday, the U.S. dollar index shocked downward in the U.S. plate once fell to 103.35 intraday low, and finally closed down 0.32% at 103.41. 10-year U.S. bond yields closed at 4.472%; on the Fed's policy rate is more sensitive to the two-year U.S. bond yields stabilized above the 4.9%, and finally closed at 4.955%.

News 2023-11-27 19:11
FP Markets Expands its Commodity CFDs Offering adding Lead, Nickel, Aluminium, Zinc and Copper and Spot Silver & Gold vs a range of cross currencies

FP Markets Expands its Commodity CFDs Offering adding Lead, Nickel, Aluminium, Zinc and Copper and Spot Silver & Gold vs a range of cross currencies

FP Markets enhances its Commodity CFDs Offering with a range of popular new commodities.

News 2023-11-27 16:54
Japan CPI among other data to finish the week

Japan CPI among other data to finish the week

USD printed an inside day with prices trading in a narrow range on Thanksgiving. Bond markets were closed amid thinner volumes elsewhere. Markets are looking ahead to US PMI data.

News 2023-11-27 14:31
Daily Summary: Better PMI data from Europe boosts market sentiment

Daily Summary: Better PMI data from Europe boosts market sentiment

Today, the trading session was relatively calm as Wall Street stay closed due to Thanksgiving.

News 2023-11-27 14:28
Changes to the trading schedule on November 23-24, 2023

Changes to the trading schedule on November 23-24, 2023

Forexcheif broker wishes to inform traders that trading schedule alterations will be implemented on November 23-24, 2023, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. The broker is therefore requesting their users to kindly take this information into account while conducting your transactions.

News 2023-11-27 14:10
The weak US data has ended the interest rate hike cycle, and gold bulls are unstoppable

The weak US data has ended the interest rate hike cycle, and gold bulls are unstoppable

On Friday (November 24th), gold prices broke through $2000 per ounce, and there were almost no trading leads during the US market holiday. The focus now is on upcoming business activity data to find more clues about the world's largest economy. Gold has risen for the second consecutive week, and the market is increasingly convinced that the Federal Reserve has completed its interest rate hike.

Review 2023-11-27 13:49
11/27 Market report

11/27 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-27 13:41
Weekly News 2023/11/20-2023/11/24

Weekly News 2023/11/20-2023/11/24

Index / Stocks / Crypto / Metals / Commodity & Futures / Forex

News 2023-11-27 12:57
A Recap of U.S. Market Performance, Forex Trends, and Intraday Analysis for November 27, 2023

A Recap of U.S. Market Performance, Forex Trends, and Intraday Analysis for November 27, 2023

Nvidia (NVDA) contributed to the pressure on the Nasdaq 100 index as it slid a further 1.93%. Reuters reported that the chip-maker is delaying the launch of a new artificial intelligence chip for Chinese customers.

Review 2023-11-27 11:40
Singaporean Millionaire's Strategic Move: Targeting the Rising Star, Vonway Global, in the Trading Broker Arena"

Singaporean Millionaire's Strategic Move: Targeting the Rising Star, Vonway Global, in the Trading Broker Arena"

In a bold and strategic move that has caught the attention of financial enthusiasts globally, a millionaire from Singapore is actively pursuing the acquisition of Vonway Global, an emerging star in the world of trading brokerage. This unexpected development not only highlights the allure of the financial sector but also signals the millionaire's keen eye for identifying and investing in potential rising stars.

News 2023-11-24 19:05
MHMarkets:Affected by the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat.

MHMarkets:Affected by the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat.

In late trading on Friday (November 24) in Asia, due to the impact of the US Thanksgiving holiday, the recent market trading was flat. The US dollar index saw a slight consolidation yesterday, receiving support from below and rising, ultimately closing near the intraday high.

News 2023-11-24 18:16
The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

The US dollar weakened, while gold slightly rose during Thanksgiving OPEC+postpones meeting, oil prices continue to decline

Review 2023-11-24 14:17
11/24 Market report

11/24 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Euro】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】

Review 2023-11-24 12:10
WCG Markets:2023-11-24

WCG Markets:2023-11-24

WCG Markets:2023-11-24

Review 2023-11-24 10:53
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