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Which Strategies Do You Like in EA?

✅ Which strategy do you like in the EA? 🏆Smart WK2 >>> capital requirement to start at $500. It gives you consistent balance growth, grid system with 3 currency pairs only. It is not paired with USD to avoid high volatility. It has news filter and may not trade sometimes. Generally, there are daily trades but seldom no trade within a day.  Features include breakeven up to certain level to avoid high DD. Actual average DD is below 20%. Profit range is between 5% to 10% per month. Most members use Smart WK2 since 2021. Settings are enhanced from time to time based on new balance. The higher the balance, the higher is the profit. EA will also recalculate the lot size based on the available balance. It is considered a long term EA. 🏆 PKS EA >>> capital requirement is $100. If you really want to join with small capital, you can start at $50 but your vps fee monthly may not be enough to cover the fee depends on the market conditions. Most martingale EA makes a series of orders. With this PKS EA, it is a unique martingale because it will not make a series of orders but instead, makes a timely order based on indicators so that recovery is fast. Average profit is 14% with low DD martingale type below 10%. The new version will have trailing stop, the first open trade will have SL, EA will auto close all open trades if there is profit at a certain %, with additional indicators, it will buy and sell simultaneously and many more added features. It will take time to apply the second version because the demo test needs more time before we apply to our real accounts the updated version, if it works better than the current version which is expectedly much better. 🏆 AFX Scalper >>> capital requirement is $200. Profit rate may reach as high as above 50% with DD only below 10%. This is unique kind of EA because we expect a high return,  with high DD. But this EA, DD is consistently low. However, since the EA is non-martingale, we expect it will not trade every hour. It scans the best entry based on strategies of the indicators. Due to its very tight stoploss, it may hit your SL and reduce balance or profit may sometimes reduce anytime during the trades. BUT the strategies of the EA will make sure that overall in a short term, there will be many WINS than LOSSES. This needs patience. This EA can possibly earn you fast money and if the strategies are consistent over time, this will make you 🤑🤑💰💰. To avoid hitting SL, the second version will have added features to increase high probabilities of winning. Which strategies of the EA are suitable for you? Proof of EA Performance Smart WK2 PKS EA (new account) AFX Scalper Note: We are not selling EAs! Please message Telegram with username @ZeusForexTrader for details on how to avail Free EAs. Disclaimer: Although the EA has never failed to give profits for so many years, but we have to take note that forex trading is a high risk, high reward opportunities. Past good performance does not indicate better future results because we are not Nostradamus 🤑 but the EA is great! We still trade what we can afford to lose. Don't join if you dont have extra funds. 🙂

2022-09-12 07:17
United States
EAWhich Strategies Do You Like in EA?

✅ Which strategy do you like in the EA? 🏆Smart WK2 >>> capital requirement to start at $500. It gives you consistent balance growth, grid system with 3 currency pairs only. It is not paired with USD to avoid high volatility. It has news filter and may not trade sometimes. Generally, there are daily trades but seldom no trade within a day.  Features include breakeven up to certain level to avoid high DD. Actual average DD is below 20%. Profit range is between 5% to 10% per month. Most members use Smart WK2 since 2021. Settings are enhanced from time to time based on new balance. The higher the balance, the higher is the profit. EA will also recalculate the lot size based on the available balance. It is considered a long term EA. 🏆 PKS EA >>> capital requirement is $100. If you really want to join with small capital, you can start at $50 but your vps fee monthly may not be enough to cover the fee depends on the market conditions. Most martingale EA makes a series of orders. With this PKS EA, it is a unique martingale because it will not make a series of orders but instead, makes a timely order based on indicators so that recovery is fast. Average profit is 14% with low DD martingale type below 10%. The new version will have trailing stop, the first open trade will have SL, EA will auto close all open trades if there is profit at a certain %, with additional indicators, it will buy and sell simultaneously and many more added features. It will take time to apply the second version because the demo test needs more time before we apply to our real accounts the updated version, if it works better than the current version which is expectedly much better. 🏆 AFX Scalper >>> capital requirement is $200. Profit rate may reach as high as above 50% with DD only below 10%. This is unique kind of EA because we expect a high return,  with high DD. But this EA, DD is consistently low. However, since the EA is non-martingale, we expect it will not trade every hour. It scans the best entry based on strategies of the indicators. Due to its very tight stoploss, it may hit your SL and reduce balance or profit may sometimes reduce anytime during the trades. BUT the strategies of the EA will make sure that overall in a short term, there will be many WINS than LOSSES. This needs patience. This EA can possibly earn you fast money and if the strategies are consistent over time, this will make you 🤑🤑💰💰. To avoid hitting SL, the second version will have added features to increase high probabilities of winning. Which strategies of the EA are suitable for you? Proof of EA Performance Smart WK2 PKS EA (new account) AFX Scalper Note: We are not selling EAs! Please message Telegram with username @ZeusForexTrader for details on how to avail Free EAs. Disclaimer: Although the EA has never failed to give profits for so many years, but we have to take note that forex trading is a high risk, high reward opportunities. Past good performance does not indicate better future results because we are not Nostradamus 🤑 but the EA is great! We still trade what we can afford to lose. Don't join if you dont have extra funds. 🙂


2022-09-12 07:17

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