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Blow Stopper EA V3

BlowStopper EA is an EA that is fully automated to place and close orders for you. The EA has been designed under Ichimoku and has 7 different settings which should all agree on the direction of the market before it can enter. In other words those 7 Ichimoku setup won't enter/open any orders unless they all agree on the same thing which is either buy or sell. The EA is strictly prohibited to be owned but you can rent it at Mql5 market as it is fully registered and approved for usage to the public. BlowStopper EA trades for days while using trailing stop instead of Tp in order to avoid blowing up the account. Forex needs patience and our EA was also built in the same way meaning that you should have patience and let blow stopper work in growing your account. There is absolutely nothing to change on our EA but if you feel like changing anything then please don't come back blaming our EA if you blew up. BlowStopper trades under 1h but if you have purchased it then please do please send us a message on our Facebook page so we can advise you on how to get started with our services and how much you need to get started. Small and simple explanation of how our EA works. Like I always say it is based on 7 different settings of Ichimoku. 6 setups should agree on either buy or sell then that's when the decision maker will open a position. If Ichimoku setup 1,2,3,4,5,6 agree on a buy then then the decision maker shall look for a clear entry and open. But if setup 1 upto 6 does not agree one either buy or sell then the decision maker shall never open a position meaning that there is a 90% that you will never blow your account. The remaining 10% is when the entry hits Sl which is not that likely to happen. At Blow Stopper we don't believe in Tp because we not the ones moving the market so our EA is protected by an SL which will then be turned into trailing stop when we are in deep profits. Ichimoku is one of the most popular and advanced Indicator which does not repaint so there is no way you can go wrong. You can easily find it either on your Meta Trader pc trading terminal or on Google. Thanks for trusting Blow Stopper EA on your trading journey.

2023-06-14 02:31
South Africa

Reverse covered call EA

#investment #Research #trading #strategy #thankyou Hello investors and fellow researchers, I am presenting to you today a new algorithmic trading bot that utilizes a strategy known as reverse covered calls. This strategy involves selling call options on a stock that you already own, essentially collecting premium on the option while still retaining ownership of the underlying asset. But here's where our bot takes it to the next level - by using reverse reverse covered calls, we are able to not only collect premium on the option, but also benefit from any potential increase in the stock price. This is because, in a reverse covered call, the seller has the right to buy back the option at a later date, allowing them to potentially profit from a stock price increase. My bot uses advanced algorithms to analyze market trends and make informed decisions on when to implement this strategy. We have tested this bot extensively and have seen consistently strong returns, often outperforming the market. In addition, this strategy allows for reduced risk as the seller still retains ownership of the underlying asset. It is a win-win situation - the seller collects premium while still having the potential to profit from a stock price increase. #algorithms I am confident that this bot has the potential to revolutionize the world of algorithmic trading and provide exceptional returns for our investors. Thank you for considering this innovative strategy. Yours truly, Logan Williams Phone: 8163849771(will accept text messages) Email :

2023-02-25 17:36
United States
EABlow Stopper EA V3

BlowStopper EA is an EA that is fully automated to place and close orders for you. The EA has been designed under Ichimoku and has 7 different settings which should all agree on the direction of the market before it can enter. In other words those 7 Ichimoku setup won't enter/open any orders unless they all agree on the same thing which is either buy or sell. The EA is strictly prohibited to be owned but you can rent it at Mql5 market as it is fully registered and approved for usage to the public. BlowStopper EA trades for days while using trailing stop instead of Tp in order to avoid blowing up the account. Forex needs patience and our EA was also built in the same way meaning that you should have patience and let blow stopper work in growing your account. There is absolutely nothing to change on our EA but if you feel like changing anything then please don't come back blaming our EA if you blew up. BlowStopper trades under 1h but if you have purchased it then please do please send us a message on our Facebook page so we can advise you on how to get started with our services and how much you need to get started. Small and simple explanation of how our EA works. Like I always say it is based on 7 different settings of Ichimoku. 6 setups should agree on either buy or sell then that's when the decision maker will open a position. If Ichimoku setup 1,2,3,4,5,6 agree on a buy then then the decision maker shall look for a clear entry and open. But if setup 1 upto 6 does not agree one either buy or sell then the decision maker shall never open a position meaning that there is a 90% that you will never blow your account. The remaining 10% is when the entry hits Sl which is not that likely to happen. At Blow Stopper we don't believe in Tp because we not the ones moving the market so our EA is protected by an SL which will then be turned into trailing stop when we are in deep profits. Ichimoku is one of the most popular and advanced Indicator which does not repaint so there is no way you can go wrong. You can easily find it either on your Meta Trader pc trading terminal or on Google. Thanks for trusting Blow Stopper EA on your trading journey.


2023-06-14 02:31

EAReverse covered call EA

#investment #Research #trading #strategy #thankyou Hello investors and fellow researchers, I am presenting to you today a new algorithmic trading bot that utilizes a strategy known as reverse covered calls. This strategy involves selling call options on a stock that you already own, essentially collecting premium on the option while still retaining ownership of the underlying asset. But here's where our bot takes it to the next level - by using reverse reverse covered calls, we are able to not only collect premium on the option, but also benefit from any potential increase in the stock price. This is because, in a reverse covered call, the seller has the right to buy back the option at a later date, allowing them to potentially profit from a stock price increase. My bot uses advanced algorithms to analyze market trends and make informed decisions on when to implement this strategy. We have tested this bot extensively and have seen consistently strong returns, often outperforming the market. In addition, this strategy allows for reduced risk as the seller still retains ownership of the underlying asset. It is a win-win situation - the seller collects premium while still having the potential to profit from a stock price increase. #algorithms I am confident that this bot has the potential to revolutionize the world of algorithmic trading and provide exceptional returns for our investors. Thank you for considering this innovative strategy. Yours truly, Logan Williams Phone: 8163849771(will accept text messages) Email :


2023-02-25 17:36

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