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United States

2022-11-23 11:51

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EARisk-Free Account on Smart WK2 EA
This account from a client (screenshot) started on Nov 5, 2021 with a capital of $459.67. After one year, it has grown to 101.74% profit. This account is risk-free as he has withdrawn all his capital. Total withdrawal is $508.84. Total profit is $467.97. He has a balance in his accout of $418 which is still traded by Smart WK2. This is the myfxbook as proof Check out my performance: . if you wish to use this EA for FREE, please message @ZeusForexTrader at Telegram so that he can hook up the EA under our VPS. As a mutual benefit where you enjoy the profits, use our recommended broker under our IB and support us by subscribing to our affordable VPS monthly in return. That is all we ask for those interested. please note that forex trading has a high risk, high reward opportunities. We want as much as possible to mitigate risk however, past results are not indicative of future good performance. This is based on the historical data of the performance of the EA.
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Risk-Free Account on Smart WK2 EA
United States | 2022-11-23 11:51
This account from a client (screenshot) started on Nov 5, 2021 with a capital of $459.67. After one year, it has grown to 101.74% profit. This account is risk-free as he has withdrawn all his capital. Total withdrawal is $508.84. Total profit is $467.97. He has a balance in his accout of $418 which is still traded by Smart WK2. This is the myfxbook as proof Check out my performance: . if you wish to use this EA for FREE, please message @ZeusForexTrader at Telegram so that he can hook up the EA under our VPS. As a mutual benefit where you enjoy the profits, use our recommended broker under our IB and support us by subscribing to our affordable VPS monthly in return. That is all we ask for those interested. please note that forex trading has a high risk, high reward opportunities. We want as much as possible to mitigate risk however, past results are not indicative of future good performance. This is based on the historical data of the performance of the EA.
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