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Trust Capital TC- Overview of Min.Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Trust Capital TC- Overview of Min.Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Trust Capital TC LTD is a Cyprus Investment Firm authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license number 369/18.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 22:54
TradeFW-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

TradeFW-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Founded in 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, TradeFW is an online brokerage firm that provides traders with an online trading environment and resources for trading several financial instruments, such as forex, indices, metals, commodities, stocks, and CFDs.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 22:41
UBK Markets - Overview of Leverage, Spreads

UBK Markets - Overview of Leverage, Spreads

UBK Markets is a broker offering Forex and social trading services, regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC (License No.186/12).

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 22:22
AccuIndex -Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

AccuIndex -Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Accuindex is a forex brokerage established in 2016 in Cyprus, headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus, offering currency pairs and CFDs on bullion, indices, energies commodities. Accuindex is authorized and licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, with an STP license, registration number 340/17.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 21:44
Capital Index-Overview of Mini.Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Capital Index-Overview of Mini.Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Capital Index was established in 2014 and has expanded into an international brokerage firm. Capital Index is an online broker that is located in the United Kingdom (UK), providing clients around the globe with CFD and Spread Betting via the user friendly MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platforms.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 21:23
  Geldex Invest-Overview of Spreads & Leverage

Geldex Invest-Overview of Spreads & Leverage

Geldex Invest is a brand name of Growell capital, a Cypriot company authorized in 2012 and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and exchange Commission (CYSEC) with CIF license number 214/13, and governed by MiFID.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 21:13
FXlift - Overview of Spreads & Leverage

FXlift - Overview of Spreads & Leverage

FXlift is an online trading broker, giving access to retail and institutional investors, to over 300 tradable instruments from 6 asset classes. FXlift is a trading name of Notesco Limited, with its head office in Bermuda. FXlift currently holds a MM license authorized by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, registration number 125/10.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 20:32
Cardiff Markets-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Cardiff Markets-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Cardiff Global Markets is an Australian forex and CFD broker, licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (registration number 439907) and offering a selection of currency pairs, as well as CFDs on various assets, including precious metals, 13 world indices and oil on the MetaTrader4 platform.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 20:21
TeraFX- Overview of Spreads and Leverage Details

TeraFX- Overview of Spreads and Leverage Details

TeraFX UK is a brokerage brand owned by Tera Europe Limited. The broker’s headquarters are in London, UK, though there is a second office in Warsaw, Poland. TeraFX provides trading services with forex pairs and contracts for difference (CFDs) in commodities, indices and precious metals.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 19:45
 IGM Forex -Overview of Spreads & Leverage Details

IGM Forex -Overview of Spreads & Leverage Details

IGM FX is founded in 2016, a brokerage house operating for CFD traders based in the European Economic Area (EEA), with headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus. IGM FX is regulated by CySEC with CIF license number 309/16.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 19:00
TCM-Spreads and Leverage Details

TCM-Spreads and Leverage Details

Trade Capital Markets (TCM) Limited was incorporated in 2013 and is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) to act as a Cyprus Investment Firm (“CIF”), providing investment and ancillary services.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 17:48
 BCM-Spreads and Leverage Details

BCM-Spreads and Leverage Details

Basel Capital Markets (BCM) is a Cypriot forex and CFD brokerage that offers its clients access to the MetaTrader4, as well as to Sirix web platforms. Basel Capital Markets is a brand owned and operated by Leverate Financial Services Ltd, a registered Cyprus Limited Company with Company Registration Number HE 290182.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 16:44
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