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What Is a Breakeven Point (BEP)?

What Is a Breakeven Point (BEP)?

A company’s break-even point is the point at which its revenue equals its total costs - or, in other words, the point at which it begins to make a profit; a break-even point in investing occurs when an asset's market price equals its original cost.

Science Popularization 2022-07-13 16:13
How to Withdraw Funds from eToro?

How to Withdraw Funds from eToro?

eToro is committed to bringing traders the ability to withdraw profits at any time, and this brokerage house offers a wide range of convenient and secure payment options that traders can use to cash out their profits. At any time, you will be able to withdraw funds from your eToro account up to the value of the remaining balance in your account, minus the amount of margin that has been used in your transaction. If you are in need of withdrawing your entire balance, you do not have to hold any money in your account, so you are free to withdraw the entire balance if you need to.

Science Popularization 2022-07-12 18:30
What Is a Bollinger Band in Technical Analysis?

What Is a Bollinger Band in Technical Analysis?

Bollinger Bands are a type of chart indicator for technical analysis and have become widely used by traders in many markets, including stocks, futures, and currencies.

Science Popularization 2022-07-12 11:34
What is Forex Mirror Trading?

What is Forex Mirror Trading?

The concept of mirror trading is straightforward: You connect your account to another account run by an experienced investor and have it replicate the activity in yours.

Science Popularization 2022-07-08 17:28
 How to Open an AvaTrade Demo Account?

How to Open an AvaTrade Demo Account?

Founded in 2006,AvaTrade is one of the most reputable and trustworthy leading forex broker around the world, allowing its clients access a wide selection of trading instruments, transparent and fair trading costs, state-of-the art MT4 & MT5 trading platforms, 24 hours dedicated and professional customer care. A large number of prospect investors are attracted by superb offerings by this brokerage firm and want to have a try with it.

Science Popularization 2022-07-08 16:09
What Is Forex Robots Trading?

What Is Forex Robots Trading?

A “Robot” in the forex world is an algorithmic program based on sophisticated and state-of-the-art technical signals to conduct trades and allow humans to earn huge profits while they are still in their dreams, that is to say, forex robots can run automated trading for you all day no matter whether traders are in front of the computer or not. The most popular and widely used retail trading robots are designed to work with the MetaTrader platforms, operating as "expert advisors" on MetaTrader, and can do just anything, from giving you a signal to place a trade to automatically placing and managing the trades for you.

Science Popularization 2022-07-07 23:39
Seven Habits of successful forex traders

Seven Habits of successful forex traders

Great Forex traders hone their skills through practice and discipline. They also do self-analysis to see what drives their trades and learn how to keep fear and greed out of the equation

Science Popularization 2022-05-26 22:02
Every Trader Should Know about 10 Forex Effective Trading Indicators

Every Trader Should Know about 10 Forex Effective Trading Indicators

When your forex trading adventure begins, you’ll likely be met with a swarm of different methods for trading. However, most trading opportunities can be easily identified with just one of four chart indicators. Once you know how to use the Moving Average, RSI, Stochastic, & MACD indicator, you’ll be well on your way to executing your trading plan like a pro. You’ll also be provided with a free reinforcement tool so that you’ll know how to identify trades using these forex indicators every day.

Science Popularization 2022-05-25 21:19
Forex and Currency Trading advantages in India

Forex and Currency Trading advantages in India

Foreign exchange market is really giant in terms of liquidity, accessibility and nature. It is possible to buy and sell any currency over the counter. There is no physical exchange required in the forex market, unlike in many other markets. Besides, there are several forex trading benefits.

Science Popularization 2022-05-24 20:15
Definition of the National Futures Association (NFA)

Definition of the National Futures Association (NFA)

The National Futures Association (NFA) is the US's self-regulatory organization for futures and derivatives. The National Futures Association (NFA), a CFTC-registered futures association, exists to safeguard investors and ensure that members achieve their regulatory requirements.

Science Popularization 2022-04-20 10:27
Definition of Financial Services Agency (FSA) - How they work!

Definition of Financial Services Agency (FSA) - How they work!

In order to protect depositors, insurance policyholders, and investors in securities, the Financial Services Agency ensures that Japan's financial system is stable and dependable. The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission is responsible for monitoring, overseeing, and making the financial sector transparent. They also look after the Certification Board for Public Accountants and the Auditing Oversight Committee.

Science Popularization 2022-04-14 17:30
Wikifx Reviews-Does This App Really Work?

Wikifx Reviews-Does This App Really Work?

Wikifx Reviews-Big Data,There is a large number of forex brokers enlisted, over 30,000. This is not easy. Many brokers come out today, then run away or disappear the next day.

Science Popularization 2021-11-03 15:51
StrattonMarkets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads and Leverage

StrattonMarkets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads and Leverage

StrattonMarkets is owned and operated by F1 Markets Ltd, headquartered in Cyprus and regulated by CySEC under license number 267/15. Stratton Markets supports both types of traders, novice and experienced ones with the necessary information, access to advanced tools and the required support to trade in the markets.

Science Popularization 2021-08-16 18:24
 XTrend - Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

XTrend - Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Established in 2016, XTrend is owned and operated by Rynat Trading Limited with a registered Office and correspondence address in Cyprus.

Science Popularization 2021-08-16 16:05
Obrinvest-Overview of Minimum Deposit and Leverage

Obrinvest-Overview of Minimum Deposit and Leverage

OBrinvest is an online forex and CFDs broker, operated by OBR Investments Limited, a Cyprus Investment Firm, authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission with CIF licence number 217/13.

Science Popularization 2021-08-16 14:45
EZINVEST-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

EZINVEST-Overview of Min. Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

EZInvest is owned and operated by WGM Services Limited (Won Global Markets), an authorized and regulated investment firm operating under the authorization of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with the license number: 203/13.

Science Popularization 2021-08-16 14:18
NAGA Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit & Leverage

NAGA Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit & Leverage

NAGA Markets is a trademark of the NAGA Group AG, a german based Fintech company publicly listed on the Frankfort Stock Exchange. NAGA Markets has been s providing services on currency pair markets on since 2015. NAGA Markets is currently authorized and licensed by the Cryprus Securities and Exchange commission, with the registration number 204/13.

Science Popularization 2021-08-16 13:46
Trio Markets-Overview of Spreads and Leverage Details

Trio Markets-Overview of Spreads and Leverage Details

Trio Markets is a global online financial trading platform and multi asset broker founded in 2008, offering retail investors Forex trading, CFD trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 23:43
 FAIR MARKETS- Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

FAIR MARKETS- Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

FairMarkets is an ASIC licensed (License No.424122) liquidity providers for over-the-counter derivatives, headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 23:35
Compass Markets-Overview of Transfer Types & Rates

Compass Markets-Overview of Transfer Types & Rates

Compass Markets specializes in International Money Transfer for both major currency and minors, including USD, AUD, GBP, JPY, SGD as well as PLN, QAR, etc.

Science Popularization 2021-08-13 23:21
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