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2023-11-15 22:09 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

This is the new HSBC scam Securities Investment Trust, this is called Schwab Securities Investment Trust

This Securities Investment Trust uses exactly the same method as HSBC. It will first give you 20,000 yuan by lottery, and then tell you to invest 100,000 yuan. Foreign investors are increasing their investment by 150,000 in 3 days. Even with your principal, you have 270,000, which can keep up with the operation. The earnings from these 3 days are your own. After 3 days, you will fully invest 170,000, leaving only your principal and 3 days of operating profits. You will be allowed to withdraw a small amount at first, and then gradually no withdrawals will be allowed. Finally, they settle with you and ask you to remit half of the profit first, and then they remit the principal and profit to you. The above is this new scam method. I hope no one will be deceived like me.


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