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2023-11-15 23:08 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Pretend to make friends on IG, CBEX USDT is a real scam. I joined as a member, but when the deposit did not reach 58888USDT, and the withdrawal was frozen.

Get to know each other on IG, give care and encouragement, teach you how to invest and trade on blockchain, hope to change your living situation. Give you hope, and then squeeze out all your money! At the beginning, they teach you to read Finance, let go of your guard, use the normal way to exchange USDT through Bito, teach you to transfer the amount to the (imToken) wallet, and finally transfer it to the exchange CBEX /#/home, entices you to consult customer service to join the membership, without any explanation of the process, directly activate your account, give you 1888 USDT, you can see the bonus that you can’t touch, and ask you to deposit the membership value. You can withdraw money only when the stored value reaches 58888 USDT, otherwise withdrawals are restricted! No matter how hard you talk or plead for temporary partial withdrawal to cover daily expenses and fees, the other party is not soft-hearted at all. Currently, they say that the membership activity will end on November 18. I am afraid that the website will disappear. I sincerely ask for your help and please be careful! !

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

IG假交友,CBEX USDT 真詐騙加入會員儲值金未達58888USDT,凍結出金

IG上認識,噓寒問暖,給予關心鼓勵,教你投資,教你區塊鏈,希望改變你的生活狀況,給予你期望給予你希望,爾後狠狠得把你的金錢榨乾!一開始教你看金色財經,鬆卸你的防備心,使用正常途經Bito 兌換USDT ,教你將金額轉入(imToken)錢包,最終轉入交易所 CBEX,誘使你諮詢客服加入會員,過程沒有任何的說明解釋,直接激活你的帳戶,贈送你1888USDT,看得到摸不到領不到的獎勵金,並要求你會員儲值金要儲值滿58888USDT,才可以出金,否則限制出金!不論怎麼好說歹說怎麼懇求暫且部分提款以應負日常支出繳費,對方無一絲心軟,目前說會員活動到11/18截止,生怕網站就此不見,懇請協助,並請大家多多注意!!

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