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2023-09-08 18:11 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


Unable to withdraw on weex platform

The Weex platform cannot withdraw normally. The first withdrawal was unsuccessful and I asked customer service. The customer service replied that two funds were transferred to me from other people's accounts. The account triggered risk control and was suspected of money laundering. 20% of the two funds must be paid to lift the risk control. After several withdrawals without success, I asked customer service, who replied that 100% of the principal must be traded to meet the withdrawal requirements.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


weex平台无法正常提现,第一次提现未成功询问客服,客服回答有两笔资金是由别人账户转于我,账户触发风控,涉嫌洗钱行为,需缴纳两笔资金的20% 来解除风控。后多次提现,未成功,询问客服,客服回答必须要交易够本金的100% 才能达到提现要求。

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