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2023-09-08 16:15 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Induce and Fraud

VisionQuest's so-called mainland agent - Ivy (Shanghai) Investment Management Center, I was bewitched by their company's so-called teacher Zhao Lingsheng, and assistant Lin Xi, and I opened an account and made a deposit. About two weeks later, my application for withdrawal was rejected and my account was frozen. I asked them and they sent me a notice from HSBC saying that I must re-deposit 50% of the total amount in the account. I have to prove that the source of funds in my account is legal before I can withdraw money. I asked for the address of their company sales department to verify the situation. One moment they said it was on the eighth floor of the DBS Bank Building in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, another moment they said it was on the tenth floor, and now they said it was around the building and they would send a car to pick me up. I asked my Shanghai friend to go to the building. The property management staff of the building said that there was no such unit in the building. He also said that many people have come to inquire about this unit in recent years. Damn liar. There are more than 9,100 US dollars in my account Can’t get money. Now the scam company (maybe a counterfeit) is still live broadcasting, inducing to deceive customers. The name of the live broadcast room is VisionQuest’s official future live broadcast platform. They call themselves "VisionQuest’s mainland agent--Ivy (Shanghai) Investment Management Center In the name of doing business, one of the so-called teachers is called Zhao Lingsheng. Everyone must be careful to avoid being deceived.


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