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United Kingdom

2023-11-13 14:12

IndustryFCA UK Calls A Better Anti-Fraud System to Financial Firms
In a comprehensive review conducted by UK financial regulators, it has been strongly recommended that companies bolster their anti-fraud systems and enhance the support provided to individuals who have been deceived by fraudulent schemes. This call to action comes in the wake of a troubling report indicating that over 116,000 people were victims of authorized push payment (APP) fraud in the first half of 2023 alone, according to UK Finance's 2023 Half Year Fraud Update. Key findings from the review highlight several areas in need of immediate attention: Inadequate Fraud Detection Systems: Many firms need to significantly strengthen their mechanisms for detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. Consumer Outcomes Not Prioritized: The focus on delivering positive outcomes for consumers is insufficient across numerous firms. Subpar Victim Support: There is a clear need for firms to enhance the assistance they offer to fraud victims. Deficient Complaint Handling: The review criticized the lengthy response times to complaints, unclear and confusing decision letters, and in some cases, the use of accusatory language towards victims. Overlooking Customer Vulnerability: Firms often fail to fully consider the vulnerability characteristics of customers when addressing fraud claims and complaints.
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FCA UK Calls A Better Anti-Fraud System to Financial Firms
United Kingdom | 2023-11-13 14:12
In a comprehensive review conducted by UK financial regulators, it has been strongly recommended that companies bolster their anti-fraud systems and enhance the support provided to individuals who have been deceived by fraudulent schemes. This call to action comes in the wake of a troubling report indicating that over 116,000 people were victims of authorized push payment (APP) fraud in the first half of 2023 alone, according to UK Finance's 2023 Half Year Fraud Update. Key findings from the review highlight several areas in need of immediate attention: Inadequate Fraud Detection Systems: Many firms need to significantly strengthen their mechanisms for detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. Consumer Outcomes Not Prioritized: The focus on delivering positive outcomes for consumers is insufficient across numerous firms. Subpar Victim Support: There is a clear need for firms to enhance the assistance they offer to fraud victims. Deficient Complaint Handling: The review criticized the lengthy response times to complaints, unclear and confusing decision letters, and in some cases, the use of accusatory language towards victims. Overlooking Customer Vulnerability: Firms often fail to fully consider the vulnerability characteristics of customers when addressing fraud claims and complaints.
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