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A Visit to Ridder Trader in Malaysia – Great Office Found

Perfect Malaysia

Jalan Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A Visit to Ridder Trader in Malaysia – Great Office Found
Perfect Malaysia

Reason for this visit

Recently, plenty of investors have expressed their hope to know more details about the foreign exchange brokers which run business in Malaysia. In order to help investors or practitioners to have a more comprehensive understanding of the country's foreign exchange brokers, the survey team plan to go to Malaysia for on-site visits to local brokers.

Brand Story

Ridder Trader Group is an international multi-asset registered brokerage firm allowing clients throughout the Asia Pacific region to trade Contracts for Difference (CFDs) of six assets, Forex Margin, and Precious Metals. With its MT5 trading platform featuring high interbank liquidity, fast and robust order execution, Ridder Trader is also one of the first brokers to offer all clients an exclusive absolute zero account and spreads as low as 0 pips. Its segregated accounts opened at top banks ensure the safety of trading funds, which are held in custody by a trusted third-party bank, JPMorgan Chase. Over the years, the broker has been regulated by international bodies, winning more than 40 international awards.

On-site visit

In this issue, the investigation team went to Malaysia to visit the foreign exchange broker Ridder Trader as planned according to its registered regulatory address that BO1-C-9-1 (Pillar 2), Menara 2, KL Eco City, No.3, Jalan Bangsar, Kg Haji Abdullah Hukum, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.

With the help of map navigator, the survey personnel came to the destination on March 21, 2023, where Menara 2 (also known as Boutique Offices 1), an upscale business building, is located in KL Eco City of No.3 Jalan Bangsar, a prime business district in Malaysia. There are a square and shopping mall and plenty of office buildings and restaurants nearby surrounded by a clean environment with huge crowds of people. In addition, the place boasts convenient transportation including LRT.




After entering the building, the survey team clear found that BO1-C-9-1 was occupied by Ridder Trader Group from the company directory in the lobby.


Due to a stringent security regulation, people weren’t allowed to reach the target floor without a registration. Later survey personnel arrived at the 9F by elevator, and spotted Ridder Trader Group’s reception desk, where two staff members of the company were working.



After expressing the intention, the investigators were warmly welcomed by a receptionist with a big smile on the face and then allowed to visit their working place.


With the guidance of the company’s staff, the survey team entered the office featuring a simple and generous decoration design and a clean and tidy office environment. Meanwhile, it could be seen that there were many employees working in the office during the working day.



As we could see that there were almost ten award certificates and several trophies displayed in the floor-to-ceiling cabinets in the middle of public working area, which indicates that Ridder Trader is a regulated forex broker, while witnessing the broker’s international and innovative business as well as its outstanding customer service.





In addition to the public office hall, the investigators were also invited by the receptionist to visit two conference rooms (small one and large one) and a computer hall. The meeting rooms are equipped with seats neatly arranged and all kinds of equipment, among which the large one can accommodate up to 14 people at the same time. Analysts often work here and provide the fundamental and technical analysis of the market according to the real-time forex quotes and news shown on the LED screen.

After an on-site investigation, it is confirmed that the company does have a physical presence here.


The investigators went to Malaysia to visit forex broker Ridder Trader as scheduled, and paid a special visit to its working place in the office building above, which suggests that the broker has a physical business office with an excellent working environment at its registered regulatory address. So, investors are advised to make a choice of the broker according to their own need.


The content is used for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information

Ridder Trader


2-5 years |Regulated in Mauritius |Retail Forex License |
  • Company Name:
    Ridder Trader Group Ltd
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    Ridder Trader
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Ridder Trader


2-5 years | Regulated in Mauritius | Retail Forex License |
  • Company Name: Ridder Trader Group Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: Ridder Trader
  • Country/region of Registry: Mauritius
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0060322019194

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