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A Visit to Colmex Pro in Cyprus --With Large Business Scale

Great Cyprus

Olumpiou Dios, Olziit, Limassol District, Cyprus

A Visit to Colmex Pro in Cyprus --With Large Business Scale
Great Cyprus

Reason for this visit

Last time, the survey team visited the trader Colmex Pro and found that its office had moved away. In order to provide investors with more comprehensive information, the survey team visited Colmex Pro based in Limassol, Cyprus again.

Regulatory Information

Regulatory information about Colmex Pro:

Type of License: MM License issued by CySEC

Address: 8, John Kennedy Street, KANIKA ENAERIOS, IRIS HOUSE, 4th floor, Flat/Office 440C–D, 3106, Limassol, Cyprus

The survey team thus decided to have an on-site visit to this regulatory address for comfirmation. 

On-site visit


The survey team followed the address on the regulatory information to the Iris House, the office building where the dealer Colmex Pro’s office is located. The building was located in the center of Limasso, Cyprus, 200 meters away from the sea. Obviously, the location was considered to be advantageous and convenient.



Entering the office building, the survey team found a floor guide with the trader Colmex Pro's logo on it, indicating that Colmex Pro did have an office in the building and located on the 4th floor.


The survey team went to the 4th floor and instantly caught sight of the logo Colmex Pro. 


Later, the survey team knocked on the door and succeeded to enter the office of Colmex Pro. At the first glance, there was a quite grand reception desk, behind which hang the logo of the trader. According to the brief communication with the staff inside, it was learned that there were approximate 45 employees working in office. 


It is confirmed after the survey team’s site visit that Colmex Pro’s office indeed is located at the regulatory address. It was learned that there were approximate 45 employees on their duty in office. The overall office environment was good. Moreover, the staff were busy working, indicating that the broker is well run. Please be prudent when trading with this broker. 


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information

Colmex Pro


10-15 years |Regulated in Cyprus |Market Making(MM) |MT4/5 full license |Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name:
    Colmex Pro Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
    Colmex Pro
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Colmex Pro


10-15 years | Regulated in Cyprus | Market Making(MM) | MT4/5 full license | Regional Brokers |
  • Company Name: Colmex Pro Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: Colmex Pro
  • Country/region of Registry: Cyprus
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:--
  • Facebook: --
  • Customer Service Number:0035725030036

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