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An On-Site Inspection to ACY in Australia

Great Australia

Sydney, South Australia, Australia

An On-Site Inspection to ACY in Australia
Great Australia

Brand Story

ACY Securities is one of Australia’s multi-asset online trading providers.


According to the regulatory information, this Australia licensed broker ACY is located at Level 18 Tower' B, 799 Pacific Highway, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067. The inspection personnel then visited this place.


Under the guidance of the regulatory information, our inspection personnel found this renewed building. On the top of the front door, a huge logo of ACY was hang. This is the place the surveyor were looking for.

Selected Photos


After then, the inspection personnel entered the building and found a floor guide on a marble wall, on which we acknowledged that ACY does have office in the 18th floor.


The inspection personnel took the elevator to the 18th floor and found the whole building belongs to ACY. Under the guidance of their front desk worker,The surveyor visited the office. It was estimated that ACY has about 50 employees in this office.


The personnel also visited the rest area in the office. One of the staff told the personnel that since this place and bright and cozy, many of them prefer a chat time there during breaks.


Next, the inspection personnel visited the corporate promotion area of the ACY. Corporate promotional videos were playing on two big screens, and market analysis videos were playing on one big screen. What's more notable is that on the side of the screen were placed some certificates and internal magazines. The personnel looked through these internal journals with interest. The front desk staff of the company saw that they liked their internal magazines very much and gave away one of them to the inspection team. After expressing gratitude, we took a few interior photos of the office, and ended the inspection tour with a lot of gain.


It is confirmed after the inspection that the Australia licensed broker ACY’ real address is consistent with the regulatory information. It has a MM forex license (reference number 403863) issued by ASIC and has no conduct of violation. Thus,you may consider the broker. 

Broker Information

ACY Securities


10-15 years |Regulated in Australia |Market Making(MM) |MT4/5 full license |Regional Brokers |High potential risk |
  • Company Name:
    ACY Securities Pty Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
    ACY Securities
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
ACY Securities


10-15 years | Regulated in Australia | Market Making(MM) | MT4/5 full license | Regional Brokers | High potential risk |
  • Company Name: ACY Securities Pty Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: ACY Securities
  • Country/region of Registry: Australia
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:0061291882999

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