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A Visit to GTC in UAE - Office Found

Great United Arab Emirates

Al Maktoum Hospital Road, Dubayy, United Arab Emirates

A Visit to GTC in UAE - Office Found
Great United Arab Emirates

Reason for this visit

Foreign exchange market is among the world’s largest market in daily trading volume. And the UAE boasts relatively developed financial system and friendly business environment, attracting an increasing number of foreign investors to the market. In order to help investors and practitioners have a more comprehensive understanding of the country’s foreign exchange dealers, WikiFX survey team is going to the UAE for on-site visits to local companies.

On-site visit

In this issue, WikiFX investigation team went to Dubai, UAE to visit the foreign exchange broker GTC (licensee: GTC MULTI TRADING DMCC) as planned according to the regulatory address that The Regal Tower, Business bay. 

The survey personnel came to the Regal Tower in downtown area of Dubai on May 15. And the 33-storey commercial skyscraper is located at the central part of Business Bay, with good access to transport, 8-mimites driving distance to the Dubai Mall. It is also accessible by main Dubai highways, within walking distance to the Business Bay Station.


The investigators entered the building to check if GTC had a physical presence here.


After entering the building, the survey team arrived at the office of GTC by elevator, and clearly spotted the company’s name and logo at its reception desk. And then the investigators received a warm welcome after showing the intention of this visit to the receptionists in the working day and were allowed to enter the working area of the company to take photos.


It could be seen that there were more than 20 cubicles in a clean and tidy working area where many employees were busy at work normally. On the side wall, we could see a big screen displaying the real-time market trends and news.



At meantime, plenty of awards won by broker GTC were hung on the other wall, on which the history of company development could be seen.


In addition, the staff also showed the survey team around their meeting rooms, where were being used. It’s not difficult to find a collaborative atmosphere within the company's team.

Through an on-site investigation, it is confirmed that the broker has a physical presence here.




The investigators went to Dubai, UAE to visit forex broker GTC as scheduled, and found the broker’s company name at its registered regulatory address, which indicates that it has a physical business office. And investors are advised to make a sensible choice based on a comprehensive consideration.


The content is used for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as a final order for making a choice.

Broker Information



10-15 years |Regulated in United Kingdom |Straight Through Processing(STP) |MT4/5 full license |Global Business |
  • Company Name:
    GTC Global Trade Capital Ltd
  • Country/region of Registry:
    United Arab Emirates
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:


10-15 years | Regulated in United Kingdom | Straight Through Processing(STP) | MT4/5 full license | Global Business |
  • Company Name: GTC Global Trade Capital Ltd
  • Company Abbreviation: GTC
  • Country/region of Registry: United Arab Emirates
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:00971800667788

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