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A Visit to Equiti in Seychelles -- Office Confirmed Existed

Good Seychelles

Mahe, Seychelles

A Visit to Equiti in Seychelles -- Office Confirmed Existed
Good Seychelles

Reason for this visit

As an archipelagic country in the west-central Indian Ocean, Seychelles has a more relaxed approach to the foreign exchange. For many years, Seychelles has been a popular offshore jurisdiction for brokers and other international business companies in the industry. It offers lenient regulation, business flexibility, and high leverage for currency brokers, which also simplifies the registration process for companies. The regulatory body in the country that grants licenses to currency brokers is the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA has clear requirements for office locations: a physical location and a resident staff. In addition, the licensee must employ at least two natural persons as directors and at least one licensed securities adviser or one licensed investment adviser. All licensees are required to have professional liability insurance. Every officer of the firm must also meet the fit and proper person principle requirements. In order to help investors or practitioners get a more comprehensive understanding of foreign exchange dealers in Seychelles, the survey team is going to the country for field visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team visited the dealer Equiti in Seychelles, with the specific address at First Floor, Marina House, Eden Island Seychelles.




Based on the above address, the survey team arrived at the destination of this survey, an archipelago located in the east of South Africa and the island of Eden in the Seychelles. The office of the dealer EQUITI was located in a two-storey building named MARINA HOUSE. There was no reception or directory in the lobby on the ground floor. However, that made it easier for the surveyors to enter the building freely.



When the surveyors arrived on the 2nd floor, they immediately noticed the EQUITI logo on the door lintel. As the office was unmanned at the time, the surveyors did not receive any response after knocking on the door. Although the surveyors regretted that they were unable to gain access to the interior, they confirmed that the office of the dealer EQUITI actually existed.


The survey team went to Seychelles, to visit the dealer Equiti as planned, and the dealer's logo could be found on its publicly displayed address, indicating that the dealer has a real place of business. Unfortunately, the surveyors were not able to visit and photograph the interior of the company, so the exact scale of its operations was still unknown. Investors are advised to make their choice after comprehensive consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice. 

Broker Information

Offshore Regulatory


5-10 years |Regulated in Seychelles |Retail Forex License |MT4/5 full license |Global Business |Medium potential risk |Offshore Regulatory |
  • Company Name:
    Equiti Brokerage (Seychelles) Limited
  • Country/region of Registry:
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:
Offshore Regulatory


5-10 years | Regulated in Seychelles | Retail Forex License | MT4/5 full license | Global Business | Medium potential risk | Offshore Regulatory |
  • Company Name: Equiti Brokerage (Seychelles) Limited
  • Company Abbreviation: Equiti
  • Country/region of Registry: Seychelles
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:002484671934

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