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2023-11-23 16:05 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

In three days there were two 5000 pips above the instant plunge pulled up the big fluctuations, and the software data is inconsistent with other platforms

In the beginning, is concerned about the public number having a trading communication QR code sweep code, and then added me to download workplusSE as a communication software, pull me into an investment organization called the world sinks, said the establishment several years, the initiator is a lobbyist big brother, to participate in a magnificent stock speculation competition, the big brother is the first ranking of the four competition teachers, every day there are talking about the course, the live room has more than 40,000 people to watch. At the beginning of the talk about A-share operation, there is a banker with fried activities, and then build a position, said to wait a month before the second pull up, and then during this period will take you to accumulate principal, turn to the bitcoin foreign exchange market, to better the second position. Let everyone according to the level of funds divided into echelons, the highest to 10 million dollars, offline online with everyone with a single operation, the beginning of a variety of reports, the group is a million dollars of big brother, each single is making tens of thousands of dollars, making money to buy a car and buy a house, and then a few days ago on-line with a single appeared in the two extreme markets, the group of several people have liquidated position!

Severe Slippage

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