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2023-11-23 13:35 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

change name from gomax Larbor continuously induce deposits but refuse withdrawals for various reasons

a man on ig said he found me on the recommender list. he spends a lot of time chatting with me every day, and his replies are quick and the content is very true. he persuaded me to do foreign exchange trading many times. under his guidance, i downloaded the software soontrade5 (now removed from the shelves) on the application platform, and used the broker gomax (now renamed Larbor ). for the first time, i can deposit money and trade normally and withdraw money immediately. after the second transaction was completed, he said he would complete a $100,000 newcomer activity with me. i said i had no money, and he said he would help me complete it. after participating, he said he didn't have that much money and asked me to get a loan. i immediately applied to customer service for cancellation but was rejected. i was threatened and intimidated that if i failed to complete the activity within 5 days, i would be fined for overdue fees and my personal tax would be affected. the letter will be sent to the international securities regulatory commission for processing. the man then made his first deposit, followed by two or three more. after i had no choice but to take out a loan to complete the event, the platform said that the newcomer event did not accept deposits from others and required me to complete the deposit of us$100,000 by myself. since the money is stuck in the platform account, i can only continue to borrow money. after the deposit was completed, the customer service said that because i completed the newbie activity overdue, the platform reputation points were insufficient, and i needed to increase the platform reputation points by 5 points within 7 days before i could withdraw money. 1 point for 20,000 us dollars, others can deposit money on your behalf. the man said he would lend me money to help me, but i had no choice but to continue the loan. after completing the deposit within the time limit, the customer service said that the man's deposit was black money, and asked me to pay a risk reserve of almost 100,000 us dollars to prove that i was not involved in money laundering. he also kept threatening that i needed to pay money, otherwise there would be overdue fines. , freeze the account and submit it to the international securities regulatory commission. at this time, i had nothing to borrow, and the man said he would find a way to borrow money. but in the end it couldn't be completed due to insufficient funds. apart from deducting money, the platform did not have any consequences it claimed would happen.

Unable to withdraw

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