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2023-11-22 06:49 Released in Mexico Mexico

I can't withdraw it's still in process

Hello, good afternoon, I am inexperienced in all this, the case is that Mrs. Santiago María is guiding me in this investment but I have already sent several transfers and she asked me for the last one to buy a code. I would like to know if it is real or if it is a fraud. I have attached images if anyone can support me? I need to make the last deposit. But the truth is whether it is reliable if I am going to recover what I invested.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

no puedo retirar aún está en proceso

hola buenas tardes soy inexperta en todo esto el caso que la sra Santiago María me está guiando en esta inversión pero ya he mandado varias transferencias y me pide la última para comprar un código me gustaría saber si es real o es un fraude anexo imágenes si alguien me puede apoyar me falta hacerle el último depósito pero la verdad no si es confiable si voy a recuperar lo invertido

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