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2023-11-19 07:39 Released in Brazil Brazil

Investment scam

The company got in touch to do tasks and then pay some small amounts, they sent a Telegran VIP group there always with a proposal to fulfill 4 investments and when the fourth was completed you would withdraw the money, I did everything correctly and each time I asked for more amounts. They still continued saying pay more to be able to withdraw my money saying it is verification.


The following is the original recommendation

golpe de investimento

Empresa entrou em contatos para fazer tarefas e depois pagar alguns valores pequenos, mandaram grupo vip telegran aí sempre com proposta de cumprir 4 investimento e concluindo o quarto vc retirava o dinheiro, fiz tudo certinho e cada vez pedia mais valores.
ainda continuaram falando pagar mais poder retirar me dinheiro dizendo que é verificação.

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