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2023-11-15 11:22 Released in Brazil Brazil

Scam, don't fall for it I want my money back

Fraud! They offer home office work to carry out tasks and with each completed task they ask me for more money and now I have nothing! The receptionist even advised me that the company took photos and films that I could participate in and raise money to be able to complete the task and get the withdrawal, which always has higher and higher values ​​and never works out by always asking for more money. I want my money back

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Fraude, não caiam nessa quero meu dinheiro de volt

Fraude! Ofertam trabalho homeoffice para realizar as tarefas e a cada tarefa concluída me pediram mais dinheiro e agora estou sem nada! A recepcionista chegou a me orientar que a empresa fazia fotos e filmes que eu poderia participar e arrecadar dinheiro para poder concluir a tarefa e conseguir o saque que sempre tem valores cada vez mais altos e nunca dá certo pedindo sempre mais dinheiro. Quero meu dinheiro de volta

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