Global Broker governance & inquiry App
Broker Search


2023-11-13 10:59 Released in Brazil Brazil

I was a victim of fraud

I was a victim of fraud, they asked me for money to complete tasks saying that they would give it back to me. But every time I completed a task they told me that next time they would give me back everything but that never happened. I was left at a loss, give me back what is mine.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Fui vítima de fraude

Fui vitima de fraude me pediram dinheiro para cumprir tarefas dizendo que me devolveriam corrigido mas cada vez que eu cumpria uma tarefa me digam mais dizendo que na próxima me devolveriam td mais isso nunca aconteceu eu fiquei no prejuízo me devolvam o que e meu

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