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2023-11-10 14:11 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Fake friends, teach you how to invest in USDT. Scam

The other person added you as a friend via private message from the backpacker inn, exchanged and shared the places they have traveled to, and struck up a conversation with you. After the conversation was good, he asked you to download the trust app. After registration is completed, you will be asked to paste a URL in the browser within the Trust App. Ask you to go to customer service and ask about the minimum amount of Taiwan dollar deposit, and then give you a post office account number, and transfer the money to the account. After the deposit is completed, you will make a little profit. Then you are asked to make a deposit and get a loan. After the loan is completed, meet with the currency dealer in person. During the interview, USDT will be transferred to your trust wallet, and then tell the customer service that you want to deposit. The customer service will give you a website address TBudn5q4yoCjjL42pt7V5WdM7ALrX25hKt. In this way, the money will be transferred from your trust's wallet to the other party's wallet, and then they will keep asking you for a loan and keep preaching that the market is good... By the way, I attached a photo of that person. Please don't be deceived. It's really disgusting.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


對方是從背包客棧私訊加好友,已可以單純交流分享彼此旅遊過人文景觀跟你搭訕,然後聊的很好之後就會要你下載trust app,然後註冊完成之後會讓你在Trust App內的瀏覽器貼上一個網址,註冊好之後就叫你去找客服問台幣入金最低額度,然後給你一郵局帳號,將錢匯入該帳號內,入完金之後就會讓你嘗甜頭,之後要求你在入金,要你貸款,貸款完成後跟幣商面交,面交時是會將USDT匯到你的trust錢包內,然後跟客服說要入金,客服會給你一個網址TBudn5q4yoCjjL42pt7V5WdM7ALrX25hKt
這樣錢就從你trust的錢包將錢轉到對方的錢包,然後就 一直要你貸款、跟親朋好友借什麼都用上了,一直鼓吹你行情好⋯⋯⋯,順便附上那個人的照片,請大家不要被騙了,真的太可惡了

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