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2023-10-16 12:30 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


JRJR is an unscrupulous platform that uses backend system manipulation to close customer orders

After the U.S. non-agricultural data was released on the evening of October 6, 2023, I chose to close the short position I opened, but the platform system also closed all my long orders, resulting in a loss of more than 2,400 US dollars. I asked customer service to solve the problem, but they never solved it. Every time the market fluctuates greatly, the platform freezes and slips, making it impossible to open or close positions. The platform also uses the backend system to close customer orders. This happened once before, and the customer service shied away from responsibility, saying that no other customers responded. As far as I know, several of my friends have experienced these problems. The platform doesn't provide any solutions, it just wants to defraud customers of their money!


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