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2023-10-16 11:32

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Lic agencyMohéli(Mwali) Forex License

Regulators: Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.)

Regulatory region: Mwali

License Type: Retail Forex License

Application price (USD): 35000

Application frequency: 1.5 months

Maintenance costs (USD): 1000

Company summary:
Main features: Application period: 2 weeks Requirements: Local legal address, local director Required documents: Passport; Utility, Bank reference letter Capital – not required Costs: Monthly operational fee: $1000 Application fee: $35,000 Forex License in Mohéli by M.I.S.A. – Mwali International Services Authority The island of Mohéli, located in the Comoros Union off the east coast of Africa, has been steadily attracting the interest of international investors and financial institutions. The Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.) and the advantageous financial regulations it provides are central to this interest. In this article, we delve into the nitty-gritty of obtaining a Forex license in Mohéli, exploring the requirements, process, costs, and other pertinent details.
Product details:
1. Mohéli Forex License Requirements An address for the registered office in Mohéli. A minimum of one director and shareholder (who may be the same person). Verification of the identities of company officers and owners. Adequate capital, as defined by the licensing type. Due diligence entails conducting financial checks and background checks on the company’s key personnel and major shareholders. 2. Procedure for Obtaining the Moheli Forex License: Consult our expert to determine the precise license type required. Collect and organize all required documentation. The application must be submitted to M.I.S.A. Undergo due diligence and authority review. Pay the necessary licensing fees upon approval. 3. Moheli Forex License Documents Requested: Identification documents for company officers and shareholders. Evidence of a registered address in Mohéli. Passport; Proof of Residence, Bank reference letter A description of the services that will be offered. Any additional documentation re
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Mohéli(Mwali) Forex License
Hong Kong | 2023-10-16 11:32


Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.)

Regulatory region:


License Type:

Retail Forex License

Application price (USD):


Application frequency:

1.5 months

Maintenance costs (USD):


Company summary:

Main features: Application period: 2 weeks Requirements: Local legal address, local director Required documents: Passport; Utility, Bank reference letter Capital – not required Costs: Monthly operational fee: $1000 Application fee: $35,000 Forex License in Mohéli by M.I.S.A. – Mwali International Services Authority The island of Mohéli, located in the Comoros Union off the east coast of Africa, has been steadily attracting the interest of international investors and financial institutions. The Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.) and the advantageous financial regulations it provides are central to this interest. In this article, we delve into the nitty-gritty of obtaining a Forex license in Mohéli, exploring the requirements, process, costs, and other pertinent details.

Product details:

1. Mohéli Forex License Requirements An address for the registered office in Mohéli. A minimum of one director and shareholder (who may be the same person). Verification of the identities of company officers and owners. Adequate capital, as defined by the licensing type. Due diligence entails conducting financial checks and background checks on the company’s key personnel and major shareholders. 2. Procedure for Obtaining the Moheli Forex License: Consult our expert to determine the precise license type required. Collect and organize all required documentation. The application must be submitted to M.I.S.A. Undergo due diligence and authority review. Pay the necessary licensing fees upon approval. 3. Moheli Forex License Documents Requested: Identification documents for company officers and shareholders. Evidence of a registered address in Mohéli. Passport; Proof of Residence, Bank reference letter A description of the services that will be offered. Any additional documentation re

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