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2023-10-08 08:09 Released in Mexico Mexico

I lost all my money in two weeks.

In May of this year I registered with the company Capitalix and they immediately assigned me a manager who during the following days dedicated himself to convincing me how convenient it would be to invest with them given their level of experience and professionalism. The manager called me every day and I started with an initial investment of $200. With which I got hooked because those first days were all about profits, a few days later the manager told me that it was convenient for me to try to invest $1000. Because that would give me many more possibilities of winning and not losing money in taxes, a topic that I had not mentioned until that moment. He convinced me after showing me graphs and attending company webinars and I invested that money. He knew that I had to withdraw it in a month and he told me that there would be no problem, during that month the investments continued to prosper, but at the end of the period they could never be withdrawn for different excuses, on the contrary he began to pressure me to deposit $3000 dollars . the ones that he and his boss finally convinced me to get. To encourage me they gave me a bonus of $1000. With which I would have a Gold account, which they told me would reduce taxes to a minimum and the money would multiply 1 to 50. They convinced me again and I did it. The next day after sending the money, my manager began, like every day, to tell me what to invest in, I did everything he told me, which positions to open and which to close. From that moment on, all the positions that were opened were always negative. My manager told me that it was normal, that it would take days to turn a profit. The following week it was already very evident how the account was decreasing and that was when they told me that the market had collapsed and they would return my initial investment if I refunded the bonus and I did, and at that point they told me that I owed them $700 more but now I didn't send them, from that day on they cut off all communication with me. They stole $6000 from me.

Severe Slippage

The following is the original recommendation

Perdí todo mi dinero en dos semanas.

En mayo de este año me registré en la empresa Capitalix y de inmediato me asignaron un manager que durante los días siguientes se dedicó a convencerme de lo conveniente que resultaría invertir con ellos dado su grado de experiencia y profesionalismo. El manager me llamaba todos los días y comencé con una inversión inicial de $200 dls. con lo que me enganché porque esos primeros días fueron todos de ganancias, a los días me dijo el manager que era conveniente que intentara invertir $1000 dls. porque eso me daría muchas más posibilidades de ganar y no perder dinero en impuestos, tema que no había mencionado hasta ese momento. Me convenció después de mostrarme gráficas y acudir a webinarios de la empresa e invertí ese dinero. Él sabía que lo tenía que retirar en un mes y él me dijo que no habría ningún problema, durante ese mes las inversiones siguieron prosperando, pero al finalizar el plazo nunca se pudieron retirar por diferentes escusas, al contrario comenzó a presionarme para depositar $3000 dls. los que finalmente me convencieron, entre él y su jefe, de conseguir. Para animarme me dieron un bono de $1000 dls. con lo que llegaría a tener una cuenta Gold, que según me dijeron reduciría los impuestos al minimo y el dinero se multiplicaría 1 a 50. Me convencieron nuevamente y lo hice. Al otro día de haber enviado el dinero mi manager comenzó como cada día a indicarme en qué invertir, yo hice todo lo que él me indico, qué posiciones abrir y cuáles cerrar. Desde ese momento todas las posiciones que se abrieron siempre estuvieron en negativo. Mi manager me dijo que era normal, que tomaría días para dar ganancias. A la siguiente semana ya era muy evidente como la cuenta decrecía y fue cuando me dijeron que el mercado había colapsado y me devolverían mi inversión inicial si les reintegraba el bono y lo hice, y en eso me dijeron que les debía $700 dls mas pero ya no los envié, desde ese día cortaron toda la comunicación conmigo. Me robaron $6000 dls.

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