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Hong Kong

2023-09-25 12:08

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Lic agencyHow to Get a Hong Kong Forex License

Regulators: Securities and Future Commission (SFC)

Regulatory region: HK


Application price (USD): ****

Application frequency: 6 MONTHS

Maintenance costs (USD): *****

Company summary:
Hong Kong is highly regarded as one of the best countries in the world to set up business, and thanks to its business-friendly policies, it has become a key financial services center in Asia. Hong Kong is widely recognised as one of the leading global financial markets with the highest number of foreign companies in the world. Contrary to common belief, Hong Kong’s economy is significantly different from the economy of China, and the legislation is more in line with Great Britain’s. This makes Hong Kong a very popular place for obtaining a Forex license. A Hong Kong Forex license is issued by the Securities and Future Commission (SFC) which is responsible for both the licensing and supervision of forex brokers in Hong Kong. Here’s what you need to know.
Product details:
Obtaining a Forex License in Hong Kong Hong Kong offers businesses a number of advantages, including a much lower rate of tax compared to other jurisdictions where individual taxation starts at below 2% and corporate tax is just 16.5%. Lesser compliance is also required than with the EU norms, but at the same time, it is highly regarded in the Forex market, making Hong Kong a favourite amongst many financial service providers. As we have seen, Hong Kong’s financial services industry has seen unprecedented growth in recent years and continues more than ever to attract forex brokers. The SFC licensing procedure is long and complicated, involving the submission of various documents, tests for officials representing the firm, and the maintenance of adequate control and accounting systems. Any financial institution intending to carry out any regulated activities in Hong Kong will need to complete a license application of which there are 9 license types. To proceed, you need to draw up and
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How to Get a Hong Kong Forex License
Hong Kong | 2023-09-25 12:08


Securities and Future Commission (SFC)

Regulatory region:


License Type:


Application price (USD):


Application frequency:


Maintenance costs (USD):


Company summary:

Hong Kong is highly regarded as one of the best countries in the world to set up business, and thanks to its business-friendly policies, it has become a key financial services center in Asia. Hong Kong is widely recognised as one of the leading global financial markets with the highest number of foreign companies in the world. Contrary to common belief, Hong Kong’s economy is significantly different from the economy of China, and the legislation is more in line with Great Britain’s. This makes Hong Kong a very popular place for obtaining a Forex license. A Hong Kong Forex license is issued by the Securities and Future Commission (SFC) which is responsible for both the licensing and supervision of forex brokers in Hong Kong. Here’s what you need to know.

Product details:

Obtaining a Forex License in Hong Kong Hong Kong offers businesses a number of advantages, including a much lower rate of tax compared to other jurisdictions where individual taxation starts at below 2% and corporate tax is just 16.5%. Lesser compliance is also required than with the EU norms, but at the same time, it is highly regarded in the Forex market, making Hong Kong a favourite amongst many financial service providers. As we have seen, Hong Kong’s financial services industry has seen unprecedented growth in recent years and continues more than ever to attract forex brokers. The SFC licensing procedure is long and complicated, involving the submission of various documents, tests for officials representing the firm, and the maintenance of adequate control and accounting systems. Any financial institution intending to carry out any regulated activities in Hong Kong will need to complete a license application of which there are 9 license types. To proceed, you need to draw up and

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