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2023-09-17 16:59 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


The backend cannot be entered, and withdrawals and inquiries cannot be made.

I am an amateur trader and cannot pay attention to their company's situation all the time. In the beginning, I felt that their company had been in business for a long time and seemed to be reliable, so I didn't think about so many problems. The funds in my account have always been there. Occasionally trade; I found out at the beginning of this month that my account could no longer be traded, and even logging in repeatedly didn't work. There was still more than 500 US dollars in it, so I contacted someone from their previous company. I had been contacting her before, saying that the original account system could no longer be used. , I was given a new account a few days ago. How much money is there? I still didn’t realize the problem and kept trading with the new account. Just yesterday, I was wondering if the account and the backend were not connected properly. By then It was inconvenient to deposit and withdraw money, and then I wanted to make changes backstage, but found that I couldn't get into the deposit and withdrawal window in the backstage. When I asked, I found out that such a big thing had happened, and I had been kept in the dark. 84130200 is the original account, which seems to have been canceled without consent; 7660619 is the account given later, and can currently be used for normal transactions.

Unable to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


就这个月初发现账号交易不了了,反复登录也不行,里面还剩五百多美金,联系了之前他们公司的人,之前也是一直联系她一个,说是原来的账号系统用不了了,就前几天给了我一个新的账号,资金是多少还是多少,还是没意识到问题,一直用新账号在交易;就昨天,我想着账号和后台会不会没有对接好,到时出入金不方便,然后想去后台改一下,发现后台出入金窗口怎么也进不去,一问才知道发生了这么大的事,一直被蒙在鼓里。84130200 是原来的账号,没有经过同意,好像被注销了;7660619 是后面给的账号,目前是可以正常交易的。

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