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2023-09-11 10:32 Released in Indonesia Indonesia

Auto deduct is bad...

This broker looks like he's looking for profit and cheating. At the beginning of the analysis it was indeed selling, then the market went up first then went down again, then when it went up suddenly there was a WA notification, it said auto cut from the system. eh, when I looked at the balance, there was only 15$ left. Because of the auto deduct, the market just dropped drastically, what a bastard this broker is. I pray for all the employees.

Severe Slippage

The following is the original recommendation

auto cut parah..

ni broker kayanya nyari untung dan bermain curang.
awal analisa emang sell, terus market naik dulu baru turun lagi, nah pas naik tiba2 ada notifikasi wa,katanya auto cut dari sistem.
eh pas di lhat saldo tinggal 15$ lagi.
gara2 auto cut, baru tuh market turun dratis, emang bangsat ini broker.
ku doain buncit semua karyawan nya.

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