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2023-08-29 23:11 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China


It seems you are mistaking two concepts - traded price and liquidity.

The price of the instrument, is the currently traded price, where sellers and buyers agree to a certain value of the asset, and exchange happens.
Liquidity is a different aspect. You can think of it as "counter orders". For a trade to open or close, it must have ability to be filled with the liquidity. If you want to close or open position at certain price, but it cannot get filled with liquidity, a slippage happens - the position opens/closes at first price there is possibility for it to get filled.

Even if X price is currently not the one where exchange of asset is taking place, it does not mean there is no liquidity there (buy/sell orders).
This is not something unreasonable - this is how orderbook and real markets work. It is neither something, for which losses we can rectify, since it is not related to our company, this is purely natural occurence when trading on real market conditions, where there is no such thing as unlimited liquidity. I understand your frustration, but slippage is simply one of the risks while trading.


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