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South Africa

2023-05-29 14:16

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EABlow Stopper EA V3
#BlowStopper EA is an EA that is fully automated to place and close orders for you. The EA has been designed under Ichimoku and has 7 different settings which should all agree on the direction of the market before it can enter. In other words those 7 Ichimoku setup won't enter/open any orders unless they all agree on the same thing which is either buy or sell. The EA is strictly prohibited to be owned but you can rent it at Mql5 market as it is fully registered and approved for usage to the public. BlowStopper EA trades for days while using trailing stop instead of Tp in order to avoid blowing up the account. Forex needs patience and our EA was also built in the same way meaning that you should have patience and let blow stopper work in growing your account.
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Blow Stopper EA V3
South Africa | 2023-05-29 14:16
#BlowStopper EA is an EA that is fully automated to place and close orders for you. The EA has been designed under Ichimoku and has 7 different settings which should all agree on the direction of the market before it can enter. In other words those 7 Ichimoku setup won't enter/open any orders unless they all agree on the same thing which is either buy or sell. The EA is strictly prohibited to be owned but you can rent it at Mql5 market as it is fully registered and approved for usage to the public. BlowStopper EA trades for days while using trailing stop instead of Tp in order to avoid blowing up the account. Forex needs patience and our EA was also built in the same way meaning that you should have patience and let blow stopper work in growing your account.
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