Global Broker governance & inquiry App

The Securities Commission Malaysia

Year 1993Regulated by government

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market. Our mission is "to promote and maintain fair, efficient, secure and transparent securities and derivatives markets; and facilitate the orderly development of an innovative and competitive capital market".

Disclose broker
Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2021-01-01
  • Reason for punishment Carrying on unlicensed capital market activities of dealing in securities
Disclosure details


  "This section contains the list of unauthorised websites, investment products, companies and individuals.   This list includes: Persons carrying on or hold himself out as carrying on the following regulated activities without a licence from the SC: Dealing in securities; Dealing in derivatives;Fund management; Advising on corporate finance; Investment advice; Financial planning; and Dealing in private retirement schemes.   Persons operating a recognised market without authorisation. Persons issuing or offering securities without approval, authorisation or recognition. Persons misusing SCs logo and misrepresenting the SC. "   AximTrade   N/A   2021   Carrying on unlicensed capital market activities of dealing in securities
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consumer hotline:006531290538
Mobile Phone Number:234 706 777 7762;61 449895363
Telegram:+60 103342306
Whatsapp:+852-6613 1970;+44-7517747077
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