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2023-04-28 17:48

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EATrade Assistant Tool for MT4
Trade Assistant Tool for MT4 is an EA to support your trading. Just attach it in a chart and it can support/manage your trading even the order opened by phone. Some function of EA : - there are button like close all order, change SL to be Breakeven by single click, SL Plus, Delete SL, Change SL/TP by single click. - Buy / Sell button can be used for instant execution or pending order. If P>> value = 0, when you click buy/sell, it will open an instant execution. If P>> value greater/lower than current price, it will open a pending order. - It can manage your trade using grid only or grid+martingale or none of them. - You can choose Fixed SL and TP or Average TP for grid/martingale. If you choose Average TP, you should input Average TP Value.
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Trade Assistant Tool for MT4
Indonesia | 2023-04-28 17:48
Trade Assistant Tool for MT4 is an EA to support your trading. Just attach it in a chart and it can support/manage your trading even the order opened by phone. Some function of EA : - there are button like close all order, change SL to be Breakeven by single click, SL Plus, Delete SL, Change SL/TP by single click. - Buy / Sell button can be used for instant execution or pending order. If P>> value = 0, when you click buy/sell, it will open an instant execution. If P>> value greater/lower than current price, it will open a pending order. - It can manage your trade using grid only or grid+martingale or none of them. - You can choose Fixed SL and TP or Average TP for grid/martingale. If you choose Average TP, you should input Average TP Value.
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