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Vanuatu Financial Services Commission

Year 1993Regulated by government

The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) was formally established in December 1993, after the Vanuatu Parliament enacted the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission Act No. 35 of 1993. Previous to this, the VFSC was the Registrar of Companies and the Official Receivership Department of the Treasury since 1971 under the then, British Administration and after independence in July 1980, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management. The VFSC has set up four departments, namely Corporate Services, Legal Enforcement & Insolvency, Supervision and Registration.

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Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2021-10-01
  • Reason for punishment The entities are not incorporated or licensed bt the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission and could be illegally carrying out financial services.
Disclosure details

Notice of Fraud Certificates of the Financial Dealers License

  Please take note that the following companies are not Incorporated or licensed by the Vanuatu   Financial Services Commission and could be illegally carrying out financial services.   The VFSC wishes to advise that it is not the regulator of the above companies and anyone engaging   in business with them should not consult the VFSC for any irregularities arising from their business   dealings.   Before trading with any online platform, please verify the status of their license with their   respective regulatory body. If you identify a website using the VFSC Financial Dealers certificate, do   inform us accordingly on .
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