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A Visit to Valutrades in Seychelles -- Office Found

Good Seychelles

Mahe, Seychelles

A Visit to Valutrades in Seychelles -- Office Found
Good Seychelles

Reason for this visit

Seychelles, which is an archipelago country in the central and western Indian Ocean, has a looser attitude towards foreign exchange. Seychelles has been a popular offshore jurisdiction for brokers and other international business companies in the industry for many years, providing light regulation, business flexibility and high leverage, while also simplifying the company registration process. The regulator responsible for granting broker licenses is the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA). Licensed brokers are required by FSA to have a physical office location as well as resident employees. In addition, the licensees must employ at least 2 natural persons as directors and at least 1 licensed securities advisor or 1 licensed investment advisor. Moreover, all licensees must have professional liability insurance, and each company executive must meet the appropriate person principle requirements. In order to help investors or practitioners have a more comprehensive understanding of foreign exchange dealers in Seychelles, the survey team is going to the country for on-site visits.

On-site visit

This time the survey team went to Seychelles to visit the foreign exchange dealer Valutrades as planned. The survey address is Unit B, F28, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Mahe, Seychelles.



The survey personnel came to the destination of the current survey according to the above address. The company is located in the eastern archipelago of South Africa, namely Eden Island in the Seychelles. The office park is filled with two-story buildings. There is no reception desk or water sign in the ground floor lobby. The investigators can freely enter and exit the building.



The investigators found the trader's office on the first floor and saw the trader's logo on the door. However, there was no response after they knocked on the door. The office was not on duty at that time, so unfortunately they did not go in for a visit. Nevertheless, the survey personnel confirmed that the dealer's office does exist.


The investigators went to Seychelles to visit the foreign exchange dealer Valutrades as planned, and the trader's logo can be found on the publicly displayed business address, indicating that the trader has a real business venue. Unfortunately, the survey personnel were not able to enter the company for internal visit, so the specific scale of its exhibition business is unknown. Investors are requested to make a sensible choice after careful consideration.


The content is for informational purpose only, and shall not be taken as final order for making choice.

Broker Information



10-15 years |Regulated in United Kingdom |Market Making(MM) |MT4/5 full license |High potential risk |Offshore Regulatory |
  • Company Name:
    Valutrades Limited
  • Country/region of Registry:
    United Kingdom
  • Company Abbreviation:
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:


10-15 years | Regulated in United Kingdom | Market Making(MM) | MT4/5 full license | High potential risk | Offshore Regulatory |
  • Company Name: Valutrades Limited
  • Company Abbreviation: Valutrades
  • Country/region of Registry: United Kingdom
  • Official Email:
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Customer Service Number:004402031410888

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